Index to Volume LV
January, pp. 1-76; February, pp. 77-136; March, pp. 137-196; April, pp. 197-256; May, pp. 257-316; June, pp. 317-376; July, pp. 377-444; August, pp. 445-504; September, pp. 505-580; October, pp. 581-648; November, pp. 649-716; December, pp.717-792
*Articles with five or more authors and online-only articles are listed under only the first author name because of space constraints.
**These articles or videos are available only through the JCO Online Archive at They may be accessed through the online contents page of the issue listed.
2021 Author Index*
ABRAHAM, Z., REDMOND, W.R., and LEWIT BOROHOVITZ, C., The Diagnostic Advantage of a CBCT-
Derived Segmented STL Rendition of the Teeth and Jaws Using an AI Algorithm, 361
AKCAM, M.O., USLU-AKCAM, O., and YUKSEL, G., Facemask Treatment with and without Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic Twins, 107
AL-AWADHI, E.A. and FINAN, L.S., Clinical Considerations in Patients at High Risk for Root Resorption, 207
ALBERTINI, E., ALBERTINI, P., LOMBARDO, L., and SICILIANI, G., Tip and Torque Control in Complex Extraction Treatment with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances, 265
ALBERTINI, E., ALBERTINI, P., LOMBARDO, L., and SICILIANI, G., Treatment of Adult Class II Deep-Bite Patients with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances and Intermaxillary Lingual Elastics, 739
ALSAKITI, A.A., EL-DAWLATLY, M.M., EL-BEIALY, A.R., and MOSTAFA, Y.A., Treatment of a Patient with a Missing Lower Incisor and Three Impacted Teeth, August**
ANTELO, O.M., MEIRA, T.M., GARCÍA, H., ELÍAS, B., and TANAKA, O.M., Extraction Treatment of Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion and Deep Overbite Using Aligners and Temporary Anchorage Devices, 59
ARISTIZÁBAL, J.F. and MARTÍNEZ-SMIT, R., “Surgery First” Approach as an Alternative for Maxillomandibular Advancement in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, 607
BALTEAU, M., LEFEBVRE, F., KANTER, D., WAGNER, D., and BOLENDER, Y., Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures in French Orthodontic Practices, 83
BARRONS OLSEN, J., PARK, J.H., and POULOS, E., Trends in the Use of 3D Printing Technology among Orthodontists and Orthodontic Residency Programs, 413
BEATON, N., The Incredible Value of a Strong Sibling Program, 499
BENZY, A. and HATTARKI, R., A Modified Wire Cutter, 497
BERETTA, M., MANGANO, A., GIANOLIO, A., NEGRINI, S., CANOVA, F.F., and CIRULLI, N., A Fully Digital Workflow for PEEK Fixed Retainers, 249
BOUCHER, N., MATSUMOTO, K., and TANNA, N., A Two-Stage Approach for Phenotype Modification with Connective Tissue and Bone Grafts in Periodontally Compromised Class II, Division 2 Patients, 543
BRUNI, A., SERRA, F.G., MARTINETTI, F., and DI GIOIA, M., Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
CALDAS, L.D., NIGRI, A.P., and SANT’ANNA, E.F., Customized Cap to Keep a Facemask Properly Positioned During Sleep, 187
CAMINITI, M. and LOU, T., Orthognathic Surgery Combined with Clear Aligner Therapy, 44
CARDON, S., DOLCI, G.S., LOPES, J.D., and FERREIRA, A.P., Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic Anchorage, 118
CHEN, Z., NICHOLAS, C.L., THALJI, G., VIANA, G., and ATSAWASUWAN, P., Evaluation of Composite Attachment Positions Using Four Indirect Bonding Tray-Sectioning Techniques, 294
COLEMAN, G., Cementation and Removal of 3D-Printed Expanders, 571
CONIGLIARO, A., MAMPIERI, G., and GIANCOTTI, A., Aligner Treatment of Transposed Maxillary Canines and Lateral Incisors, 34
CORDARO, M., TORSELLO, F., and TURCHI, M., Molar Intrusion Using Clear Aligners without Additional Anchorage Devices, 429
CORRER, G.M., TOCOLINI, D.G., TOPOLSKI, F., and MORO, A., The T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for Passive Self-Ligating Brackets, 159
D’ANTÒ, V., MANZO, P., MARTINA, S., and LEONE, P., Functional Class II Treatment with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
DALLATANA, G., VASUDAVAN, S., WILMES, B., and DE GABRIELE, O., CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
DE GABRIELE, O., DALLATANA, G., VASUDAVAN, S., and WILMES, B., CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
DESHPANDE, S., SHENOI, S.B., and HATTARKI, R.S., An Efficient and Ergonomic Device for Easy Elastic Wear, 359
DI GIOIA, M., BRUNI, A., SERRA, F.G., and MARTINETTI, F., Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
DO REGO, M.V.N.N. and RUELLAS, A.C.O., Retreatment of a Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Using Mandibular Extra-Alveolar Mini-Implants, 561
DOLCI, G.S., LOPES, J.D., FERREIRA, A.P., and CARDON, S., Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic Anchorage, 118
DRAGO, S., SILVESTRINI-BIAVATI, A., and MIGLIORATI, M., Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
DRESCHER, D., WILMES, B., SCHWARZE, J., and VASUDAVAN, S., Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
DRESCHER, D., WILMES, B., SCHWARZE, J., and VASUDAVAN, S., Maxillary Space Closure Using Aligners and Palatal Mini-Implants in Patients with Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors, 20
DUONG, M.L.T., THAYER, J.J., PARK, J.H., and PARK, J.J., Clear Aligner Treatment Education in Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, 684
EL-BEIALY, A.R., MOSTAFA, Y.A., and RAHIMA, A.M., Nonsurgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with Compensated Dentition, 701
EL-BIALY, T., Mandibular Advancement in Adult Skeletal Class II Patients Using Clear Aligners and Photobiomodulation, 11
EL-BOKLE, D., Posterior Functional Bite Turbos for Sagittal Correction, 435
EVANGELISTA, K., SILVA, M.A.G., and VALLADARES-NETO, J., External Cervical Resorption after Distraction of the Periodontal Ligament, 634
FERREIRA, A.P., CARDON, S., DOLCI, G.S., and LOPES, J.D., Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic Anchorage, 118
FINAN, L.S. and AL-AWADHI, E.A., Clinical Considerations in Patients at High Risk for Root Resorption, 207
FINK, F.S., On Working It Down, 171
FROTA, C.M., PINHEIRO, F.H.L., CAETANO, I.M., CARVALHO, R.M., and AIELLO, C.A., Interdisciplinary Treatment of Patients with Cleidocranial Dysplasia and Multiple Unerupted Permanent Teeth, November**
GIANCOTTI, A., CONIGLIARO, A., and MAMPIERI, G., Aligner Treatment of Transposed Maxillary Canines and Lateral Incisors, 34
GIERIE, W.V., Complex Treatment with Clear Aligners, 10
GORCZYCA, A.M., Ask Ann Marie, 694
GORCZYCA, A.M., The Practical Side of Dental Practice Management, 631
GROSS, A.M. and FRECH, D.K., Treatment of Open-Bite Tendency with a Miniscrew-Supported Transpalatal Arch and Myofunctional Exercises, May**
HARIPRASAD A., MADHAV M.P., M., SHAJI A.P., and PALUKUNNU, B., A Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique, 131
HARRISON, S.D. and PARK, J.H., A Modified Pontic Appliance for Treatment of Impacted Maxillary Canines, 450
HATTARKI, R. and BENZY, A., A Modified Wire Cutter, 497
HATTARKI, R.S., DESHPANDE, S., and SHENOI, S.B., An Efficient and Ergonomic Device for Easy Elastic Wear, 359
HATTARKI, R.S. and KORATH, A., Removable Acrylic Bite Block, 627
JEON, J.J., KRAVITZ, N.D., MILLER, S.L., and NASH, L.J., Preventing Unwanted Mesial Root Tip on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
JIANG, Q., MEI, L., WANG, H., MA, Q., and LI, H., Mesialization of Mandibular Molars with Clear Aligners in a Young Class II, Division 2 Patient, 617
KARPOV, M.A. and KUNCIO, D.A., Alternative Treatment Plan for a Multidisciplinary Transfer Case, 283
KEIM, R.G., VOGELS, D.S. III, and VOGELS, P.B., 2021 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 591, 657, 725
KELUSKAR, K.M. and SHENOI, S.B., A Multipurpose Auxiliary for Intrusion or Retraction with Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, 697
KENNEDY, D.B. and SINCLAIR, P.M., David B. Kennedy: Master Clinician, 327
KLEMPNER, L., The Golden Age of Orthodontics: Already Ended or Just Beginning? 355
KOOK, Y.A., LIM, H.J., PARK, J.H., LEE, N.K., and KIM, Y., 3D Digital Applications of the Modified C-Palatal Plate for Molar Distalization, 773
KORATH, A. and HATTARKI, R.S., Removable Acrylic Bite Block, 627
KRAVITZ, N.D. and MILLER, S.L., Lateral Incisor Bracket Positioning for Phase I Treatment, 227
KRAVITZ, N.D., MILLER, S.L., NASH, L.J., and JEON, J.J., Preventing Unwanted Mesial Root Tip on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
KUNCIO, D.A. and KARPOV, M.A., Alternative Treatment Plan for a Multidisciplinary Transfer Case, 283
LE, P.T., Refitting a Loose Essix Retainer, October**
LEONE, P., D’ANTÒ, V., MANZO, P., and MARTINA, S., Functional Class II Treatment with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
LEWIT BOROHOVITZ, C., ABRAHAM, Z., and REDMOND, W.R., The Diagnostic Advantage of a CBCT-Derived Segmented STL Rendition of the Teeth and Jaws Using an AI Algorithm, 361
LIM, S.H. and PARK, J.H., Occlusal Build-Ups to Prevent Compensatory Mandibular Molar Eruption During Maxillary Molar Intrusion, 305
LOMBARDO, L., PALONE, M., SICILIANI, G., and VERDUCCI, A., The Hybrid Aligner Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, 69
LOMBARDO, L., SICILIANI, G., ALBERTINI, E., and ALBERTINI, P., Tip and Torque Control in Complex Extraction Treatment with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances, 265
LOMBARDO, L., SICILIANI, G., ALBERTINI, E., and ALBERTINI, P., Treatment of Adult Class II Deep-Bite Patients with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances and Intermaxillary Lingual Elastics, 739
LOPES, J.D., FERREIRA, A.P., CARDON, S., and DOLCI, G.S., Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic Anchorage, 118
LOU, T. and CAMINITI, M., Orthognathic Surgery Combined with Clear Aligner Therapy, 44
MADHAV M.P., M., SHAJI A.P., PALUKUNNU, B., and HARIPRASAD A., A Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique, 131
MAMPIERI, G., GIANCOTTI, A., and CONIGLIARO, A., Aligner Treatment of Transposed Maxillary Canines and Lateral Incisors, 34
MANOSUDPRASIT, A., CHANTADILOK, W., and MANOSUDPRASIT, M., Management of Alveolar Bone Exostosis after Orthodontic Treatment, April**
MANZO, P., MARTINA, S., LEONE, P., and D’ANTÒ, V., Functional Class II Treatment with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
MARTINA, S., LEONE, P., D’ANTÒ, V., and MANZO, P., Functional Class II Treatment with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
MARTINETTI, F., DI GIOIA, M., BRUNI, A., and SERRA, F.G., Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
MARTÍNEZ-SMIT, R. and ARISTIZÁBAL, J.F., “Surgery First” Approach as an Alternative for Maxillomandibular Advancement in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, 607
MATSUMOTO, K., TANNA, N., and BOUCHER, N., A Two-Stage Approach for Phenotype Modification with Connective Tissue and Bone Grafts in Periodontally Compromised Class II, Division 2 Patients, 543
MIGLIORATI, M., DRAGO, S., and SILVESTRINI-BIAVATI, A., Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
MILLER, S.L. and KRAVITZ, N.D., Lateral Incisor Bracket Positioning for Phase I Treatment, 227
MILLER, S.L., NASH, L.J., JEON, J.J., and KRAVITZ, N.D., Preventing Unwanted Mesial Root Tip on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
MORO, A., CORRER, G.M., TOCOLINI, D.G., and TOPOLSKI, F., The T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for Passive Self-Ligating Brackets, 159
MOSTAFA, Y.A., RAHIMA, A.M., and EL-BEIALY, A.R., Nonsurgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with Compensated Dentition, 701
MOTA JÚNIOR, S.L., ALVIM, L.P., MUNCK, I.S., CAMPOS, M.J.D., and VITRAL, R.W.F., Evaluation of Smile Attractiveness with Mesiodistal Variations of the Upper Lateral Incisors, 750
NASH, L.J., JEON, J.J., KRAVITZ, N.D., and MILLER, S.L., Preventing Unwanted Mesial Root Tip on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
NIGRI, A.P., SANT’ANNA, E.F., and CALDAS, L.D., Customized Cap to Keep a Facemask Properly Positioned During Sleep, 187
NISCO, P.M., Integration of In-House Aligner Therapy in Private Practice, 450
ORLOFF, C. and SHIIKHA, Y., Distalization of Lower Molars to Alleviate Lower Anterior Crowding with the Invisalign System, 517
PALONE, M., CERVINARA, F., CASELLA, S., SICILIANI, G., and LOMBARDO, L., Resolution of a Complex Malocclusion Using a Hybrid Aligner Approach, 343
PALONE, M., SICILIANI, G., VERDUCCI, A., and LOMBARDO, L., The Hybrid Aligner Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, 69
PALUKUNNU, B., HARIPRASAD A., MADHAV M.P., M., and SHAJI A.P., A Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique, 131
PARK, J.H. and HARRISON, S.D., A Modified Pontic Appliance for Treatment of Impacted Maxillary Canines, 460
PARK, J.H. and LIM, S.H., Occlusal Build-Ups to Prevent Compensatory Mandibular Molar Eruption During Maxillary Molar Intrusion, 305
PARK, J.H., POULOS, E., and BARRONS OLSEN, J., Trends in the Use of 3D Printing Technology among Orthodontists and Orthodontic Residency Programs, 413
PARK, J.J., DUONG, M.L.T., THAYER, J.J., and PARK, J.H., Clear Aligner Treatment Education in Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, 684
PELO, S., MORO, A., SOVERINA, D., DE NUCCIO, F., MASELLI, A., and GASPARINI, G., Indications and Management Protocol for the Use of Splints with the “Surgery First” Approach, 463
PINHO, T. and ROCHA, D., Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, 757
PISEK, P., SUTTHIPRAPAPORN, P., and THITTIWONG, R., Miniscrew Anchorage for Treatment of Severely Proclined Upper Anterior Teeth in a Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion, 485
PITHON, M.M., SANTOS, J.F.D., AMORIM, C.S.D., TANAKA, O.M., and COPLE MAIA, L., Intraoral Maxillary Protractor for Early Treatment of a Class III Malocclusion with Maxillary Deficiency, 229
POULOS, E., BARRONS OLSEN, J., and PARK, J.H., Trends in the Use of 3D Printing Technology among Orthodontists and Orthodontic Residency Programs, 413
RAHIMA, A.M., EL-BEIALY, A.R., and MOSTAFA, Y.A., Nonsurgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with Compensated Dentition, 701
REDMOND, W.R., LEWIT BOROHOVITZ, C., and ABRAHAM, Z., The Diagnostic Advantage of a CBCT-Derived Segmented STL Rendition of the Teeth and Jaws Using an AI Algorithm, 361
ROCHA, D. and PINHO, T., Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, 757
RUELLAS, A.C.O. and DO REGO, M.V.N.N., Retreatment of a Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Using Mandibular Extra-Alveolar Mini-Implants, 561
SAADÉ, A. and GHOUGASSIAN, S., Canine Extractions: Functional, Esthetic, and Practical Considerations, March**
SANT’ANNA, E.F., CALDAS, L.D., and NIGRI, A.P., Customized Cap to Keep a Facemask Properly Positioned During Sleep, 187
SARVER, D.M. and SINCLAIR, P.M., David M. Sarver: Master Clinician, 147
SCHWARZE, J., VASUDAVAN, S., DRESCHER, D., and WILMES, B., Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
SCHWARZE, J., VASUDAVAN, S., DRESCHER, D., and WILMES, B., Maxillary Space Closure Using Aligners and Palatal Mini-Implants in Patients with Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors, 20
SERRA, F.G., MARTINETTI, F., DI GIOIA, M., and BRUNI, A., Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
SHAJI A.P., PALUKUNNU, B., HARIPRASAD A., and MADHAV M.P., M., A Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique, 131
SHENOI, S.B., HATTARKI, R.S., and DESHPANDE, S., An Efficient and Ergonomic Device for Easy Elastic Wear, 359
SHENOI, S.B. and KELUSKAR, K.M., A Multipurpose Auxiliary for Intrusion or Retraction with Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, 697
SHETTY, S., SHETTY MOLAHALLY, S., ANDRADE, T., and PARVEEN, K., Nonsurgical Treatment of a Surgically Prepared Skeletal Class III Patient Using Skeletal Anchorage, September**
SHIIKHA, Y. and ORLOFF, C., Distalization of Lower Molars to Alleviate Lower Anterior Crowding with the Invisalign System, 517
SICILIANI, G., ALBERTINI, E., ALBERTINI, P., and LOMBARDO, L., Tip and Torque Control in Complex Extraction Treatment with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances, 265
SICILIANI, G., ALBERTINI, E., ALBERTINI, P., and LOMBARDO, L., Treatment of Adult Class II Deep-Bite Patients with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances and Intermaxillary Lingual Elastics, 739
SICILIANI, G., VERDUCCI, A., LOMBARDO, L., and PALONE, M., The Hybrid Aligner Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, 69
SILVA, M.A.G., VALLADARES-NETO, J., and EVANGELISTA, K., External Cervical Resorption after Distraction of the Periodontal Ligament, 634
SILVESTRINI-BIAVATI, A., MIGLIORATI, M., and DRAGO, S., Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
SINCLAIR, P.M., The Readers’ Corner, 101
SINCLAIR, P.M. and KENNEDY, D.B., David B. Kennedy: Master Clinician, 327
SINCLAIR, P.M. and SARVER, D.M., David M. Sarver: Master Clinician, 147
SINGH, S., Regeneration of the Anterior Palatal Alveolar Cortex after Treatment of Bimaxillary Protrusion, 398
SOLA MARTIN, C., GIL LÓPEZ-AREAL, J., and DOUGHERTY, H.L. JR., First Molar Extractions in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome, June**
SONG, J., BAO, X., CHEN, L., LU, C., WU, G., HU, M., and ZHANG, Y., Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of a Patient with Severely Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Dentofacial Deformity, July**
SOUSA, R.L.D.S., ERTTY, E., PORTES, M.I.P., MELOTI, F., and CARDOSO, M.D.A., Miniplate Anchorage for Correction of Skeletal Anterior Open Bite in an Adult, 175
SPENCER, G.W., The Non-Helix Appliance: An Alternative to the Quad Helix, 122
SUTTHIPRAPAPORN, P., THITTIWONG, R., and PISEK, P., Miniscrew Anchorage for Treatment of Severely Proclined Upper Anterior Teeth in a Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion, 485
TAKANE, V., JATTI, R., BIJAPUR, S., and KELUSKAR, K., Treatment of an Adult Class II Subdivision Patient with the Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device and Maxillary Mini-Implants, October**
TANNA, N., BOUCHER, N., and MATSUMOTO, K., A Two-Stage Approach for Phenotype Modification with Connective Tissue and Bone Grafts in Periodontally Compromised Class II, Division 2 Patients, 543
THAYER, J.J., PARK, J.H., PARK, J.J., and DUONG, M.L.T., Clear Aligner Treatment Education in Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, 684
THITTIWONG, R., PISEK, P., and SUTTHIPRAPAPORN, P., Miniscrew Anchorage for Treatment of Severely Proclined Upper Anterior Teeth in a Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion, 485
TOCOLINI, D.G., TOPOLSKI, F., MORO, A., and CORRER, G.M., The T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for Passive Self-Ligating Brackets, 159
TOPOLSKI, F., MORO, A., CORRER, G.M., and TOCOLINI, D.G., The T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for Passive Self-Ligating Brackets, 159
TORSELLO, F., TURCHI, M., and CORDARO, M., Molar Intrusion Using Clear Aligners Without Additional Anchorage Devices, 429
TURCHI, M., CORDARO, M., and TORSELLO, F., Molar Intrusion Using Clear Aligners Without Additional Anchorage Devices, 429
USLU-AKCAM, O., YUKSEL, G., and AKCAM, M.O., Facemask Treatment With and Without Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic Twins, 107
VALARELLI, F.P., SILVA, M.F.A., IMAI, L., JANSON, G., and FREITAS, K.M.S., Strategies for Compensatory Orthodontic Treatment of Adult Skeletal Open Bite, 419
VALLADARES-NETO, J., EVANGELISTA, K., and SILVA, M.A.G., External Cervical Resorption after Distraction of the Periodontal Ligament, 634
VALVERDE MONTALVA, S.H., Minimizing Side Effects During Canine Extrusion with Twin Brackets, 559
VASUDAVAN, S., DRESCHER, D., WILMES, B., and SCHWARZE, J., Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
VASUDAVAN, S., DRESCHER, D., WILMES, B., and SCHWARZE, J., Maxillary Space Closure Using Aligners and Palatal Mini-Implants in Patients with Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors, 20
VASUDAVAN, S., WILMES, B., DE GABRIELE, O., and DALLATANA, G., CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
VERDUCCI, A., LOMBARDO, L., PALONE, M., and SICILIANI, G., The Hybrid Aligner Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, 69
VERULKAR, A.A., BAJAJ, T.D., KAMBLE, R., SHRIVASTAV, S., and POTODE, N.B., A New Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of TMD in Growing Patients, 536
VOGELS, D.S. III, VOGELS, P.B., and KEIM, R.G., 2021 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 591, 657, 725
VOGELS, P.B., 2021 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Amanda Gross, 310
VOGELS, P.B., KEIM, R.G., and VOGELS, D.S. III, 2021 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 591, 657, 725
WILMES, B., DE GABRIELE, O., DALLATANA, G., and VASUDAVAN, S., CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
WILMES, B., SCHWARZE, J., VASUDAVAN, S., and DRESCHER, D., Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
WILMES, B., SCHWARZE, J., VASUDAVAN, S., and DRESCHER, D., Maxillary Space Closure Using Aligners and Palatal Mini-Implants in Patients with Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors, 20
YUKSEL, G., AKCAM, M.O., and USLU-AKCAM, O., Facemask Treatment with and without Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic Twins, 107
2021 Subject Index
2021 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Amanda Gross, 310
2021 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 591, 657, 725
3D Printing Technology, Trends in the Use of, Among Orthodontists and Orthodontic Residency Programs, 413
3D-Printed Expanders, Cementation and Removal of, 571
Acrylic Bite Block, Removable, 627
Aligner Approach, Hybrid, Resolution of a Complex Malocclusion Using a, 343
Aligner Therapy, Clear, Orthognathic Surgery Combined with, 44
Aligner Therapy, In-House, in Private Practice, Integration of, 450
Aligner Treatment of Transposed Maxillary Canines and Lateral Incisors, 34
Aligner, Clear, Treatment Education in Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, 684
Aligner, Hybrid, Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, The, 69
Aligners, Clear, and Beneslider, Combination of, for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
Aligners, Clear, and Miniscrew Anchorage, Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Camouflage Treatment with, 757
Aligners, Clear, Complex Treatment with, 10
Aligners, Clear, Mesialization of Mandibular Molars with, in a Young Class II, Division 2 Patient, 617
Aligners, Clear, without Additional Anchorage Devices, Molar Intrusion Using, 429
Alternative Treatment Plan for a Multidisciplinary Transfer Case, 283
Alveolar Bone Exostosis after Orthodontic Treatment, Management of, April**
Alveolar Cortex, Palatal Anterior, Regeneration of the, after Treatment of Bimaxillary Protrusion, 398
Anchorage, Miniplate, for Correction of Skeletal Anterior Open Bite in an Adult, 175
Anchorage, Miniscrew, in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with, 237
Anchorage, Orthodontic, Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for, 118
Anchorage, Skeletal, Nonsurgical Treatment of a Surgically Prepared Skeletal Class III Patient Using, September**
Ask Ann Marie, 694
Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, 757
Beneslider, Clear Aligners and, Combination of, for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
Bimaxillary Protrusion, Regeneration of the Anterior Palatal Alveolar Cortex after Treatment of, 398
Bite Block, Acrylic, Removable, 627
Bite Turbos, Posterior Functional, for Sagittal Correction, 435
CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III, 757
Canine Extractions: Functional, Esthetic, and Practical Considerations, March**
Canine Extrusion with Twin Brackets, Minimizing Side Effects During, 559
Canine, Impacted Lower, Uprighting an, with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
Canines, Impacted Maxillary, A Modified Pontic Appliance for Treatment of, 460
Canines, Maxillary, and Lateral Incisors, Transposed, Aligner Treatment of, 34
Case Report, 59, 107, 175, 237, 283, 343, 429, 485, 561, 617, 701, 757, April,** May,** June,** July,** August,** September,** October**
Cementation and Removal of 3D-Printed Expanders, 571
Class II Treatment, Functional, with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
Class II, Division 2 Patient, Young, Mesialization of Mandibular Molars with Clear Aligners in a, 617
Class III Malocclusion, Skeletal, Retreatment of a, Using Mandibular Extra-Alveolar Mini-Implants, 561
Class III Patient, Adult Skeletal, with Compensated Dentition, Nonsurgical Treatment of an, 701
Class III Patient, Skeletal, Nonsurgical Treatment of a Surgically Prepared, Using Skeletal Anchorage, September**
Class III, Asymmetrical Skeletal, Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, 757
Clear Aligner Treatment Education in Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, 684
Cleidocranial Dysplasia and Multiple Unerupted Permanent Teeth, Interdisciplinary Treatment of Patients with, November**
Clinical Considerations in Patients at High Risk for Root Resorption, 207
Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of Severe Midline Deviation, 675
Compensated Dentition, Nonsurgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with, 701
Compensatory Orthodontic Treatment of Adult Skeletal Open Bite, Strategies for, 419
Complex Treatment with Clear Aligners, 10
C-Palatal Plate, Modified, for Molar Distalization, Digital Applications of the, 773
Customized Cap to Keep a Facemask Properly Positioned During Sleep, 187
Cutting Edge, The, 249, 361, 413, 571
Dental Schools in the United States and Canada, Clear Aligner Treatment Education in, 684
Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures in French Orthodontic Practices, 83
Digital Applications of the Modified C-Palatal Plate for Molar Distalization, 773
Digital Pearls, October**
Digital Workflow, A Fully, for PEEK Fixed Retainers, 249
Distalization Appliances, Horseshoe, CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for, 384
Distalization of Lower Molars to Alleviate Lower Anterior Crowding with the Invisalign System, 517
Efficient and Ergonomic Device for Easy Elastic Wear, An, 359
Elastic Wear, Easy, An Efficient and Ergonomic Device for, 359
Essix Retainer, Refitting a Loose, October**
Evaluation of Composite Attachment Positions Using Four Indirect Bonding Tray-Sectioning Techniques, 294
Evaluation of Smile Attractiveness with Mesiodistal Variations of the Upper Lateral Incisors, 750
Exostosis, Alveolar Bone, Management of, after Orthodontic Treatment, April**
Expanders, 3D-Printed, Cementation and Removal of, 571
Expansion, Maxillary, in Dizygotic Twins, Facemask Treatment with and without, 107
External Cervical Resorption after Distraction of the Periodontal Ligament, 634
Extraction Treatment, Complex, with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances, Tip and Torque Control in, 265
Extractions, Canine: Functional, Esthetic, and Practical Considerations, March**
Extractions, First Molar, in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome, June**
Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, The Hybrid Aligner Approach for, 69
Extrusion with Twin Brackets, Canine, Minimizing Side Effects During, 559
Facemask Properly Positioned During Sleep, Customized Cap to Keep a, 187
Facemask Treatment with and without Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic Twins, 107
First Molar Extractions in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome, June**
French Orthodontic Practices, Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures in, 83
Fully Digital Workflow for PEEK Fixed Retainers, A, 249
Functional Bite Turbos, Posterior, for Sagittal Correction, 435
Functional Class II Treatment with a Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, 218
Golden Age of Orthodontics, The: Already Ended or Just Beginning? 355
Gottlieb, Eugene L., 2021 JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Amanda Gross, 310
Gross, Dr. Amanda: 2021 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year, 310
Herbst Appliance, Miniplate-Anchored, Functional Class II Treatment with a, 218
Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, CAD/CAM-Guided Microscrew Insertion for, 384
Hybrid Aligner Approach for Extrusion and Rotation of Posterior Teeth, The, 69
Hybrid Aligner Approach, Resolution of a Complex Malocclusion Using a, 343
Impacted Lower Canine, Uprighting an, with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
Impacted Maxillary Canines, A Modified Pontic Appliance for Treatment of, 460
Impacted Teeth, Three, Treatment of a Patient with a Missing Lower Incisor and, August**
Incisor, Lateral, Bracket Positioning for Phase I Treatment, 227
Incisor, Missing Lower, and Three Impacted Teeth, Treatment of a Patient with a, August**
Incisors, Lateral, and Maxillary Canines, Transposed, Aligner Treatment of, 34
Incisors, Upper Lateral, Mesiodistal Variations of the, Evaluation of Smile Attractiveness with, 750
Incredible Value of a Strong Sibling Program, The, 499
Indications and Management Protocol for the Use of Splints with the “Surgery First” Approach, 463
Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, A Multipurpose Auxiliary for Intrusion or Retraction with, 697
Integration of In-House Aligner Therapy in Private Practice, 450
Interdisciplinary Treatment of Patients with Cleidocranial Dysplasia and Multiple Unerupted Permanent Teeth, November**
Intrusion or Retraction with Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, A Multipurpose Auxiliary for, 697
Intrusion, Molar, Using Clear Aligners without Additional Anchorage Devices, 429
Invisalign System, Distalization of Lower Molars to Alleviate Lower Anterior Crowding with the, 517
JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 2021, 591, 657, 725
JCO Student of the Year, 2021 Eugene L. Gottlieb: Dr. Amanda Gross, 310
Lateral Incisor Bracket Positioning for Phase I Treatment, 227
Lingual Appliances, Preadjusted, Tip and Torque Control in Complex Extraction Treatment with, 265
Management & Marketing, 171, 355, 499, 631, 694
Management of Alveolar Bone Exostosis after Orthodontic Treatment, April**
Marfan Syndrome, First Molar Extractions in a Patient with, June**
Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic Twins, Facemask Treatment with and without, 107
Mesialization of Mandibular Molars with Clear Aligners in a Young Class II, Division 2 Patient, 617
Microscrew Insertion, CAD/CAM-Guided, for Horseshoe Distalization Appliances, 384
Midline Deviation, Severe, Combination of Clear Aligners and Beneslider for Correction of, 675
Mini-Implants, Mandibular Extra-Alveolar, Retreatment of a Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Using, 561
Minimizing Side Effects During Canine Extrusion with Twin Brackets, 559
Miniplate Anchorage for Correction of Skeletal Anterior Open Bite in an Adult, 175
Miniplate-Anchored Herbst Appliance, Functional Class II Treatment with a, 218
Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with, 237
Modified Pontic Appliance for Treatment of Impacted Maxillary Canines, A, 460
Molar Distalization, Digital Applications of the Modified C-Palatal Plate for, 773
Molar Intrusion Using Clear Aligners without Additional Anchorage Devices, 429
Molar Uprighting Technique, A Segmental, 131
Molar, First, Extractions in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome, June**
Molars, Distalization of Lower, to Alleviate Lower Anterior Crowding with the Invisalign System, 517
Molars, Mandibular, Mesialization of, with Clear Aligners in a Young Class II, Division 2 Patient, 617
Multipurpose Auxiliary for Intrusion or Retraction with Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, A, 697
New Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of TMD in Growing Patients, A, 536
Non-Helix Appliance, The: An Alternative to the Quad Helix, 122
Nonsurgical Treatment of a Surgically Prepared Skeletal Class III Patient Using Skeletal Anchorage, September**
Nonsurgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with Compensated Dentition, 701
Occlusal Plane, Orientation of the, in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
Oligodontic Patient, Severely, Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a, 237
On the Web, 170
On Working It Down, 171
Open Bite, Adult Skeletal, Strategies for Compensatory Orthodontic Treatment of, 419
Open Bite, Skeletal Anterior, in an Adult, Miniplate Anchorage for Correction of, 175
Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Virtual Treatment Planning, 185
Orthognathic Surgery Combined with Clear Aligner Therapy, 44
Overview, 207
Pearls, 69, 131, 185, 227, 305, 359, 435, 497, 559, 627, 697, 769
PEEK Fixed Retainers, A Fully Digital Workflow for, 249
Periodontal Ligament, Distraction of the, External Cervical Resorption after, 634
Phase I Treatment, Lateral Incisor Bracket Positioning for, 227
Pontic Appliance, A Modified, for Treatment of Impacted Maxillary Canines, 460
Posterior Functional Bite Turbos for Sagittal Correction, 435
Practical Side of Dental Practice Management, The, 631
Practice Study, 2021 JCO Orthodontic, 591, 657, 725
Preventing Unwanted Mesial Root Tip on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
Quad Helix, An Alternative to the: The Non-Helix Appliance, 122
Readers’ Corner, The, 101
Refitting a Loose Essix Retainer, October**
Regeneration of the Anterior Palatal Alveolar Cortex after Treatment of Bimaxillary Protrusion, 398
Removable Acrylic Bite Block, 627
Resolution of a Complex Malocclusion Using a Hybrid Aligner Approach, 343
Resorption, External Cervical, after Distraction of the Periodontal Ligament, 634
Retainer, Essix, Refitting a Loose, October**
Retainers, PEEK Fixed, A Fully Digital Workflow for, 249
Retraction, Intrusion or, with Infrazygomatic Crest Screws, A Multipurpose Auxiliary for, 697
Retreatment of a Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Using Mandibular Extra-Alveolar Mini-Implants, 561
Root Resorption, Clinical Considerations in Patients at High Risk for, 207
Root Tip, Mesial, Preventing Unwanted, on Mandibular First Premolars, 769
Rotation and Extrusion of Posterior Teeth, The Hybrid Aligner Approach for, 69
Screws, Infrazygomatic Crest, A Multipurpose Auxiliary for Intrusion or Retraction with, 697
Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique, A, 131
Self-Ligating Brackets, Passive, The T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for, 159
Sibling Program, Strong, The Incredible Value of a, 499
Skeletal Anterior Open Bite in an Adult, Miniplate Anchorage for Correction of, 175
Skeletal Class III Malocclusion, Retreatment of a, Using Mandibular Extra-Alveolar Mini-Implants, 561
Skeletal Class III Patient, Adult, with Compensated Dentition, Nonsurgical Treatment of an, 701
Skeletal Class III Patient, Nonsurgical Treatment of a Surgically Prepared, Using Skeletal Anchorage, September**
Skeletal Class III, Asymmetrical, Camouflage Treatment with Clear Aligners and Miniscrew Anchorage, 757
Skeletal Open Bite, Adult, Strategies for Compensatory Orthodontic Treatment of, 419
Smile Attractiveness, Evaluation of, with Mesiodistal Variations of the Upper Lateral Incisors, 750
Splints with the “Surgery First” Approach, Indications and Management Protocol for the Use of, 463
Strategies for Compensatory Orthodontic Treatment of Adult Skeletal Open Bite, 419
Student of the Year, JCO, 2021 Eugene L. Gottlieb: Dr. Amanda Gross, 310
“Surgery First” Approach, Indications and Management Protocol for the Use of Splints with the, 463
Surgery, Orthognathic, Combined with Clear Aligner Therapy, 44
Surgically Prepared Skeletal Class III Patient, Nonsurgical Treatment of a, Using Skeletal Anchorage, September**
T-Control Philosophy and Prescription for Passive Self-Ligating Brackets, The, 159
Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic Anchorage, 118
Tip and Torque Control in Complex Extraction Treatment with Preadjusted Lingual Appliances, 265
TMD in Growing Patients, A New Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of, 536
Transfer Case, Multidisciplinary, Alternative Treatment Plan for a, 283
Transposed Maxillary Canines and Lateral Incisors, Aligner Treatment of, 34
Treatment of a Patient with a Missing Lower Incisor and Three Impacted Teeth, August**
Treatment of Open-Bite Tendency with a Miniscrew-Supported Transpalatal Arch and Myofunctional Exercises, May**
Trends in the Use of 3D Printing Technology Among Orthodontists and Orthodontic Residency Programs, 413
Twin Brackets, Minimizing Side Effects During Canine Extrusion with, 559
Twins, Dizygotic, Facemask Treatment with and without Maxillary Expansion in, 107
Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient, 237
Uprighting Technique, Molar, A Segmental, 131
Virtual Treatment Planning, Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in, 185