THE EDITOR'S CORNEROrthodontics Around the WorldROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDServing on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics since 1991 and as Editor-in-Chief since 2002—almost 20 years now—has unquestionably been the highlight of my professional life an... |
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Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures in French Orthodontic PracticesMAÏLYS BALTEAU DDS, MS, FRANÇOIS LEFEBVRE MD, DANIEL KANTER DDS, MS, DELPHINE WAGNER DDS, MS, PhD, YVES BOLENDER DDS, MMSc, PhDThe authors apply the methodology of the JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures to assess trends in France. Results of this 2017 survey of French specialists are contrasted with those of the 2020 U.S. study in a series of tables and graphs. |
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THE READERS' CORNERObstructive Sleep ApneaPETER M. SINCLAIR DDS, MSDJCO subscribers respond to questions about screening procedures and appliance protocols used for pediatric and adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Formal and informal training in sleep apnea therapy, referral customs, interdisciplinary collaboration, and TMD issues are all covered. |
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CASE REPORTFacemask Treatment With and Without Maxillary Expansion in Dizygotic TwinsOZGE USLU-AKCAM DDS, PhD, GOKHAN YUKSEL DDS, MEHMET OKAN AKCAM DDS, PhDSimultaneous interceptive treatment was performed in these twin sisters with Class III malocclusions and anterior crossbites. Facemasks and removable intraoral appliances were used in both, but slow maxillary expansion was added in only one twin. The authors compare the results. |
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Temporary Posterior Rehabilitation for Orthodontic AnchorageGABRIEL SCHMIDT DOLCI DDS, MSD, PhD, JORGE DIAS LOPES DDS, MSD, PhD, AFONSO PINHÃO FERREIRA DDS, MSD, PhD, STEFAN CARDON DDS, MSDDrs. Dolci, Lopes, Ferreira, and Cardon demonstrate a procedure in which two miniscrews are inserted in an adult patient’s edentulous area and covered with a temporary crown. Anchorage from a band on the pontic then helps the orthodontist manage anterior retraction and intrusion. |
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The Non-Helix Appliance: An Alternative to the Quad HelixGERALD W. SPENCER DDSDr. Gerald Spencer introduces the non-helix, a versatile, comfortable expander constructed from .036" round beta titanium wire. He shows how the appliance can be adapted to correct mesial first-molar rotations, distalize molars on one or both sides, or open the bite. |
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PEARLSA Segmental Molar Uprighting TechniqueBISWAS PALUKUNNU BDS, MDS, HARIPRASAD A. BDS, MDS, MAKAL MADHAV M.P. BDS, MDS, SHAJI A.P. BDS, MDSSeveral force vectors are required to upright a horizontally impacted lower second molar. In this Pearl, a twin bracket is bonded to the impacted tooth, and a sectional nickel titanium wire is inserted to successively apply forces from different directions. |
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Product News in February 2021 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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Serving on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics since 1991 and as Editor-in-Chief since 2002—almost 20 years now—has unquestionably been the highlight of my professional life an...
The authors apply the methodology of the JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures to assess trends in France. Results of this 2017 survey of French specialists are contrasted with those of the 2020 U.S. study in a series of tables and graphs.
JCO subscribers respond to questions about screening procedures and appliance protocols used for pediatric and adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Formal and informal training in sleep apnea therapy, referral customs, interdisciplinary collaboration, and TMD issues are all covered.
Simultaneous interceptive treatment was performed in these twin sisters with Class III malocclusions and anterior crossbites. Facemasks and removable intraoral appliances were used in both, but slow maxillary expansion was added in only one twin. The authors compare the results.
Drs. Dolci, Lopes, Ferreira, and Cardon demonstrate a procedure in which two miniscrews are inserted in an adult patient’s edentulous area and covered with a temporary crown. Anchorage from a band on the pontic then helps the orthodontist manage anterior retraction and intrusion.
Dr. Gerald Spencer introduces the non-helix, a versatile, comfortable expander constructed from .036" round beta titanium wire. He shows how the appliance can be adapted to correct mesial first-molar rotations, distalize molars on one or both sides, or open the bite.
Several force vectors are required to upright a horizontally impacted lower second molar. In this Pearl, a twin bracket is bonded to the impacted tooth, and a sectional nickel titanium wire is inserted to successively apply forces from different directions.
PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
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