2017 Author Index*
*Articles with five or more authors are listed under only the first author's name because of space constraints.
AGARWAL, K., KANT, A., SINGH, K., and KULSHRESTHA, R., Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
AGRAWAL, M., GANDHI, V., MEHTA, F., and PAREKH, H., A New Appliance for Efficient Molar Distalization, 738
ALEXANDER, K., Commentary: A Strategic Orthodontic Marketing Plan by R.S. Haeger and R.T. Colberg, 618
AL-FALAHI, B., HAFEZ, A.M., and FOUDA, M., Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth to Correct a Severe Anterior Open Bite, 326
AZAMI, N., NANDA, R., URIBE, F.A., and VILLEGAS, C., The Zygoma and the Symphysis: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
BAE, G.S., KIM, Y.I., KIM, S.S., PARK, S.B., and SON, W.S., 3D-Printed Double-Wire Bracket for Anterior Alignment, 377
BAE, S.M., HUNG, B.Q., LEE, Y.G., and KYUNG, H.M., Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, 173
BAIK, U.B., PARK, J.H., and KOOK, Y.A., Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, 353
BALUT, N. and GIL, L., Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, 419
BARIANI, R.C.B., MILANI, R., GUIMARÃES JÚNIOR, C.H., MOURA, W.S., and ORTOLANI, C.L.F., Orthodontic Traction of Impacted Upper Canines Using the VISTA Technique, 76
BEHRENTS, R.G., Commentary: An Orthopedic Approach to the Treatment of Class III Malocclusion in Young Patients by J.A. McNamara Jr., 560
BIÇAKÇI, A.A. and ÇELEBİ, F., The Shoulder Spring for Eruption of Impacted Canines, 657
BOWMAN, S.J., Commentary: Clinical Applications of the Miniscrew Anchorage System by A. Carano, S. Velo, P. Leone, and G. Siciliani, 587
BRITO, M.H., CANÇADO, R.H., FREITAS, K.M.S., and VALARELLI, F.P., Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
CACCIAFESTA, V., Commentary: Statically Determinate Transpalatal Arches by B. Melsen, G. Bonetti, and D. Giunta, 568
CANÇADO, R.H., FREITAS, K.M.S., VALARELLI, F.P., and BRITO, M.H., Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
ÇELEBİ, F. and BIÇAKÇI, A.A., The Shoulder Spring for Eruption of Impacted Canines, 657
CHENG, L., GU, Y., ZHANG, W., and ZHAO, C., Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, 461
CHRISTOU, T., KAU, C.H., and FEINBERG, K.B., Effectiveness of Clear Aligners in Treating Patients with Anterior Open Bite: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
CLARENBACH, T.H., WILMES, B., IHSSEN, B., VASUDAVAN, S., and DRESCHER, D., Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, 317
COMBA, B., PARRINI, S., ROSSINI, G., CASTROFLORIO, T., and DEREGIBUS, A., A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Upper-Canine Distalization with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and Class II Elastics, 24
COZZANI, M., DERTON, N., and LUPINI, D., Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, 290
COZZANI, M.C. and SINCLAIR, P.M., Master Clinician, 11
DASARI, A.K., KISHORE, M.S.V., AILENI, K.R., BATTULA, S., PRATHIMA, C.R., and RACHALA, M.R., Physiological Drifting of Ectopic Canines, 481
DE GABRIELE, O., DALLATANA, G., RIVA, R., VASUDAVAN, S., and WILMES, B., The Easy Driver for Placement of Palatal Mini-Implants and a Maxillary Expander in a Single Appointment, 728
DERTON, N., LUPINI, D., and COZZANI, M., Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, 290
DICKERSON, D.E., Invisalign with Photobiomodulation: Optimizing Tooth Movement and Treatment Efficacy with a Novel Self-Assessment Algorithm, 157
DUNHAM, D., WEBER, D., and HANDEL, S., Use of Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage, 406
DUTRA, E.H., JANAKIRAMAN, N., NANDA, R., and URIBE, F.A., Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with Severe Short-Root Anomaly, 279
EAPEN, J.C., KAMBALYAL, P.B., and PRAKASH, A., Forsus Reactivation with Composite Beads, 677
EAPEN, J.C., KRAVITZ, N.D., MILLER, S., and PRAKASH, A., Canine Bracket Guide for Substitution Cases, 450
EPSTEIN, A. and KLEMPNER, L., The Future Is Now: How Millennials, Tech, and a Chess-Playing Computer Are Changing Orthodontics, 661
FEINBERG, K.B., CHRISTOU, T., and KAU, C.H., Effectiveness of Clear Aligners in Treating Patients with Anterior Open Bite: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
FERNANDES, F., MARUO, H., and MARUO, I.T., Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
FOUDA, M., AL-FALAHI, B., and HAFEZ, A.M., Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth to Correct a Severe Anterior Open Bite, 326
FREITAS, K.M.S., VALARELLI, F.P., BRITO, M.H., and CANÇADO, R.H., Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
FRY, J. and KEIM, R.G., Practice Profile: Fry Orthodontic Specialists, 167
FRY, R., Commentary: Complex Orthodontic Treatment Using a New Protocol for the Invisalign Appliance by R.L. Boyd, 610
FRY, R., Weekly Aligner Changes to Improve Invisalign Treatment Efficiency, 786
GALLAGHER WHETZEL, A.G., Maxillary Expansion Biteplate, 46
GANDHI, V., MEHTA, F., PAREKH, H., and AGRAWAL, M., A New Appliance for Efficient Molar Distalization, 738
GIL, L. and BALUT, N., Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, 419
GLASSICK, A., GLUCK, A.J., KOTTEMAN, W., and MESSERSMITH, M.M., Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with Clear Aligners, 233
GLENN, G., Commentary: The Vari-Simplex Discipline by R.G. “Wick” Alexander, 532
GLUCK, A.J., KOTTEMAN, W., MESSERSMITH, M.M., and GLASSICK, A., Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with Clear Aligners, 233
GOLLERLI, Y.Y. and ÖZKAN, S., Effects of Declining Battery Voltage on Light Intensity and Power Consumption of Light-Curing Units, 411
GOTTLIEB, E.L., Commentary: Knowing Your Practice: A Cost Comparative Basis for Practice Management by M.L. Schulman, 544
GOTTLIEB, E.L., VOGELS D.S. III, VOGELS, P.B., and KEIM, R.G., 2017 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
GRADY, E.M., Commentary: Orthodontic Office Design: Creating Your Next Office by W. Hamula and B. Bucher, 584
GRAHAM, J.W., Commentary: JCO Roundtable: The Temporomandibular Joint and Craniomandibular Disorders, 573
GU, Y., MA, J.Q., ZHAO, C.Y., and PAN, C.Q., Step-by-Step Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine, 335
GU, Y., ZHANG, W., ZHAO, C., and CHENG, L., Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, 461
GUPTA, B., SINGH, S., TALLENTS, R.H., and ROSSOUW, E., Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
HAEGER, R.S., Commentary: Orthodontic Fees by E.L. Gottlieb, 580
HAFEZ, A.M., FOUDA, M., and AL-FALAHI, B., Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth to Correct a Severe Anterior Open Bite, 326
HAKAMI, Z., URIBE, F.A., and JANAKIRAMAN, N., An Efficient and Effective Technique for Uprighting Mesially Erupting Lower Second Molars, 179
HANDEL, S., DUNHAM, D., and WEBER, D., Use of Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage, 406
HARYANI, J., SINGH, G.P., and TANDON, P., Orthodontic Space Closure for Management of Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 223
HILGERS NISSEN, S., Commentary: The Pendulum Appliance for Class II Non-Compliance Therapy by J.J. Hilgers, 564
HOGAN, J. and KEIM, R.G., JCO Interviews Mr. Joseph Hogan on Align Technology, 95
HUNG, B.Q., LEE, Y.G., KYUNG, H.M., and BAE, S.M., Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, 173
IKEDA, M., PARK, J.H., and TAI, K., Anterior Open-Bite Correction with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, 719
JANAKIRAMAN, N., HAKAMI, Z., and URIBE, F.A., An Efficient and Effective Technique for Uprighting Mesially Erupting Lower Second Molars, 179
JANAKIRAMAN, N., NANDA, R., URIBE, F.A., and DUTRA, E.H., Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with Severe Short-Root Anomaly, 279
JIANG, R.P. and RUAN, M.J., Spring-Assisted Molar Intrusion in Clear-Aligner Treatment, 270
KALIA, A.J., Treatment of Anterior Open Bite with a Mini-Implant-Supported Tongue Crib, 37
KAMBALYAL, P.B., PRAKASH, A., and EAPEN, J.C., Forsus Reactivation with Composite Beads, 677
KANT, A., SINGH, K., KULSHRESTHA, R., and AGARWAL, K., Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
KASSIR, C. and SAADE, A., Nonsurgical Treatment of a Severe Skeletal Anterior Open Bite, 103
KAU, C.H., FEINBERG, K.B., and CHRISTOU, T., Effectiveness of Clear Aligners in Treating Patients with Anterior Open Bite: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
KEIM, R.G. and FRY, J., Practice Profile: Fry Orthodontic Specialists, 167
KEIM, R.G., GOTTLIEB, E.L., VOGELS, D.S. III, and VOGELS, P.B., 2017 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
KEIM, R.G. and HOGAN, J., JCO Interviews Mr. Joseph Hogan on Align Technology, 95
KIM, S.H., Commentary: “Surgery First” Skeletal Class III Correction Using the Skeletal Anchorage System by H. Nagasaka, J. Sugawara, H. Kawamura, and R. Nanda, 598
KING, R., NISTA, J., and RHOADS, S., A Quick and Easy Fix for Maxillary Diastema Relapse, 113
KING, R. and WALKER, C.G., Extraction of Gingivally Retained Deciduous Teeth Using Orthodontic Elastics, 480
KLEMPNER, L. and EPSTEIN, A., The Future Is Now: How Millennials, Tech, and a Chess-Playing Computer Are Changing Orthodontics, 661
KOGA, M., Commentary: The Straight-Wire Appliance by L.F. Andrews, 520
KOOK, Y.A., BAIK, U.B., and PARK, J.H., Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, 353
KOTTEMAN, W., MESSERSMITH, M.M., GLASSICK, A., and GLUCK, A.J., Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with Clear Aligners, 233
KRAVITZ, N.D., Commentary: Smile Analysis and Design in the Digital Era by M.B. Ackerman and J.L. Ackerman, 602
KRAVITZ, N.D., Remote Retainer Fabrication Using Teledentistry, 706
KRAVITZ, N.D., MILLER, S., PRAKASH, A., and EAPEN, J.C., Canine Bracket Guide for Substitution Cases, 450
KRAVITZ, N.D. and SHIRCK, J.M., Measuring Bonded Lingual Retainers, 294
KULSHRESTHA, R., AGARWAL, K., KANT, A., and SINGH, K., Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
KYUNG, H.M., BAE, S.M., HUNG, B.Q., and LEE, Y.G., Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, 173
LAURSEN, M.G. and MELSEN, B., Root-First Lingual Canine Retraction with Power Arms, 427
LEE, Y.G., KYUNG, H.M., BAE, S.M., and HUNG, B.Q., Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, 173
LIN, J.C., CHEN, S., LIOU, E.J.W., OJIMA, K., and BOWMAN, S.J., Interdisciplinary Aligner Treatment of Short-Face Patients, 382
LINDAUER, S.J., Commentary: Nonextraction Treatment by N.M. Cetlin and A. Ten Hoeve, 536
LOMBARDO, L., SICILIANI, G., MAINO, B.G., and PAOLETTO, E., From Planning to Delivery of a Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander in One Visit, 198
LUDWIG, B., Commentary: The Possibility of Skeletal Anchorage by T.D. Creekmore and M.K. Eklund, 513
LUPINI, D., COZZANI, M., and DERTON, N., Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, 290
MA, J.Q., ZHAO, C.Y., PAN, C.Q., and GU, Y., Step-by-Step Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine, 335
MAINO, B.G., PAOLETTO, E., LOMBARDO, L., and SICILIANI, G., From Planning to Delivery of a Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander in One Visit, 198
MARUO, H., MARUO, I.T., and FERNANDES, F., Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
MARUO, I.T., FERNANDES, F., and MARUO, H., Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
MAURYA, R.K., GUPTA, A., SINGH, H., THAKKAR, S., and MISHRA, H.A., Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on the Clinical and Biomechanical Efficiency of Mini-Implants: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 259
MEHTA, F., PAREKH, H., AGRAWAL, M., and GANDHI, V., A New Appliance for Efficient Molar Distalization, 738
MELSEN, B., Commentary: JPO Interviews Dr. Charles H. Tweed, 516
MELSEN, B. and LAURSEN, M.G., Root-First Lingual Canine Retraction with Power Arms, 427
MESSERSMITH, M.M., GLASSICK, A., GLUCK, A.J., and KOTTEMAN, W., Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with Clear Aligners, 233
MILLER, S., PRAKASH, A., EAPEN, J.C., and KRAVITZ, N.D., Canine Bracket Guide for Substitution Cases, 450
MOSKOWITZ, E.M., Commentary: Air-Rotor Stripping by J.J. Sheridan, 540
MYERS, R.B., Commentary: Bio-Progressive Therapy by R.W. Bench, C.F. Gugino, and J.J. Hilgers, 524
NAHM, K.Y., HAN, K.A., JUNG, J.S., CHUNG, K.R., KIM, S.H., and NELSON, G., Biocreative Torque-Maintaining Archwire for Adult Patients with Pathologically Migrated Incisors, 748
NAIK, R., PATIL, A., and SHETTY, P., Multipurpose Ligation Technique for Elastomeric Chain, 821
NANDA, R., URIBE, F.A., DUTRA, E.H., and JANAKIRAMAN, N., Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with Severe Short-Root Anomaly, 279
NANDA, R., URIBE, F.A., VILLEGAS, C., and AZAMI, N., The Zygoma and the Symphysis: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
NISTA, J., RHOADS, S., and KING, R., A Quick and Easy Fix for Maxillary Diastema Relapse, 113
ÖZKAN, S. and GOLLERLI, Y.Y., Effects of Declining Battery Voltage on Light Intensity and Power Consumption of Light-Curing Units, 411
PALOMO, J.M., Commentary: Overview: Intraoral Digital Scanners by N.D. Kravitz, C. Groth, P.E. Jones, J.W. Graham, and W.R. Redmond, 622
PAN, C.Q., GU, Y., MA, J.Q., and ZHAO, C.Y., Step-by-Step Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine, 335
PAOLETTO, E., LOMBARDO, L., SICILIANI, G., and MAINO, B.G., From Planning to Delivery of a Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander in One Visit, 198
PAREKH, H., AGRAWAL, M., GANDHI, V., and MEHTA, F., A New Appliance for Efficient Molar Distalization, 738
PARK, J.H., KOOK, Y.A., and BAIK, U.B., Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, 353
PARK, J.H., TAI, K., and IKEDA, M., Anterior Open-Bite Correction with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, 719
PARRA, A.X.G., MARIN, G.C., GUARIZA FILHO, O., TANAKA, O.M., and CAMARGO, E.S., Two-Phase Treatment of Anterior Open Bite, 801
PATIL, A., SHETTY, P., and NAIK, R., Multipurpose Ligation Technique for Elastomeric Chain, 821
PATIL, H.A., KERUDI, V.V., PATIL, N.S., SHARAH, J.S., and TEKALE, P.D., Forsus Appliance for Treatment of Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion in Adults, 347
PINHO, T. and RAPOSO, R., Orthodontic Camouflage vs. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusions, 209
PITTS, T.R., Bracket Positioning for Smile Arc Protection, 142
PRAKASH, A., EAPEN, J.C., and KAMBALYAL, P.B., Forsus Reactivation with Composite Beads, 677
PRAKASH, A., EAPEN, J.C., KRAVITZ, N.D., and MILLER, S., Canine Bracket Guide for Substitution Cases, 450
RANAUT, A., SINGH, S., SHARMA, M.R., and SANDHU, N., A Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, 361
RAPOSO, R. and PINHO, T., Orthodontic Camouflage vs. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusions, 209
RAPTIS, M., Micro-Osteoperforation as an Adjunct for the Correction of Negative Anterior Overjet in an Adolescent Patient with Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 47
REISS, S. and URIBE, F.A., Commentary: Precision Lingual Arches by C.J. Burstone and C. Manhartsberger, 547
RHOADS, S., KING, R., and NISTA, J., A Quick and Easy Fix for Maxillary Diastema Relapse, 113
RICE, D., Commentary: The Pseudo-Class I: A Newly Defined Type of Malocclusion by J. De Baets and M. Chiarini, 576
ROSSOUW, E., GUPTA, B., SINGH, S., and TALLENTS, R.H., Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
RUAN, M.J. and JIANG, R.P., Spring-Assisted Molar Intrusion in Clear-Aligner Treatment, 270
SAADE, A. and KASSIR, C., Nonsurgical Treatment of a Severe Skeletal Anterior Open Bite, 103
SANDHU, N., RANAUT, A., SINGH, S., and SHARMA, M.R., A Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, 361
SANDLER, J., Commentary: JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn U. Zachrisson on Excellence in Finishing, 555
SHARMA, M.R., SANDHU, N., RANAUT, A., and SINGH, S., A Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, 361
SHETTY, P., NAIK, R., and PATIL, A., Multipurpose Ligation Technique for Elastomeric Chain, 821
SHIRCK, J.M. and KRAVITZ, N.D., Measuring Bonded Lingual Retainers, 294
SICILIANI, G., MAINO, B.G., PAOLETTO, E., and LOMBARDO, L., From Planning to Delivery of a Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander in One Visit, 198
SINCLAIR, P.M., Commentary: Esthetic Treatment Planning for Orthognathic Surgery by G.W. Arnett and M.J. Gunson, 606
SINCLAIR, P.M., The Readers’ Corner, 243, 615
SINCLAIR, P.M. and COZZANI, M.C., Master Clinician, 11
SINGH, G.P., TANDON, P., and HARYANI, J., Orthodontic Space Closure for Management of Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 223
SINGH, K., KULSHRESTHA, R., AGARWAL, K., and KANT, A., Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
SINGH, S., SHARMA, M.R., SANDHU, N., and RANAUT, A., A Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, 361
SINGH, S., TALLENTS, R.H., ROSSOUW, E., and GUPTA, B., Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
STRIPPOLI, J., DURAND, R., SCHMITTBUHL, M., VOYER, R., ROMPRÉ, P., and NISHIO C., Pain and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Guided Piezocorticision-Assisted Orthodontic Treatment, 792
TAI, K., IKEDA, M., and PARK, J.H., Anterior Open-Bite Correction with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, 719
TALLENTS, R.H., ROSSOUW, E., GUPTA, B., and SINGH, S. Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
TANDON, P., HARYANI, J., and SINGH, G.P., Orthodontic Space Closure for Management of Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 223
TEETERS, C.A., Simultaneous Phase I Expansion and Ectopic Molar Correction with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, 295
THOMAS, B. and THOMAS, S., A Modified Retainer for Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients, 229
THOMAS, S. and THOMAS, B. A Modified Retainer for Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients, 229
URIBE, F.A., DUTRA, E.H., JANAKIRAMAN, N., and NANDA, R., Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with Severe Short-Root Anomaly, 279
URIBE, F.A., JANAKIRAMAN, N., and HAKAMI, Z., An Efficient and Effective Technique for Uprighting Mesially Erupting Lower Second Molars, 179
URIBE, F.A. and REISS, S., Commentary: Precision Lingual Arches by C.J. Burstone and C. Manhartsberger, 547
URIBE, F.A., VILLEGAS, C., AZAMI, N., and NANDA, R., The Zygoma and the Symphysis: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
VALARELLI, F.P., BRITO, M.H., CANÇADO, R.H., and FREITAS, K.M.S., Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
VERMA, R., JENA, A.K., SINGH, S.P., UTREJA, A.K., and RATTAN, V., Multidisciplinary Management of Post-Ankylosis Malocclusion and Mandibular Deformity, 809
VILLEGAS, C., AZAMI, N., NANDA, R., and URIBE, F.A., The Zygoma and the Symphysis: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
VOGELS, D.S. III, Coastal Convergence, 71
VOGELS, D.S. III, VOGELS, P.B., KEIM, R.G., and GOTTLIEB, E.L., 2017 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
VOGELS, P.B., 2017 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Moataz Elmahdy, 139
VOGELS, P.B., KEIM, R.G., GOTTLIEB, E.L., and VOGELS, D.S. III, 2017 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
WALKER, C.G. and KING, R., Extraction of Gingivally Retained Deciduous Teeth Using Orthodontic Elastics, 480
WEBER, D., HANDEL, S., and DUNHAM, D., Use of Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage, 406
WHITE, L.W., Commentary: Common Sense Mechanics by T.F. Mulligan, 528
ZHANG, W., ZHAO, C., CHENG, L., and GU, Y., Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, 461
ZHAO, C., CHENG, L., GU, Y., and ZHANG, W., Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, 461
ZHAO, C.Y., PAN, C.Q., GU, Y., and MA, J.Q., Step-by-Step Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine, 335
2017 Subject Index
2017 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Moataz Elmahdy, 139
2017 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
Ackerman, M.B. and Ackerman, J.L., Smile Analysis and Design in the Digital Era: Commentary, 602
Adult High-Angle Patient, Class II Correction in an, Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, 419
Adult Patients with Pathologically Migrated Incisors, Biocreative Torque-Maintaining Archwire for, 748
Adults, Forsus Appliance for Treatment of Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion in, 347
Air-Rotor Stripping by J.J. Sheridan: Commentary, 540
Alexander, R.G. “Wick,” The Vari-Simplex Discipline: Commentary, 532
Align Technology, JCO Interviews Mr. Joseph Hogan on, 95
Aligner Changes, Weekly, to Improve Invisalign Treatment Efficiency, 786
Aligner Corner, 233
Aligner Treatment of Short-Face Patients, Interdisciplinary, 382
Aligner Treatment, Clear-, Spring-Assisted Molar Intrusion in, 270
Aligners, Clear, Composite Attachments, and Class II Elastics, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Upper-Canine Distalization with, 24
Aligners, Clear, Effectiveness of, in Treating Patients with Anterior Open Bite: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
Aligners, Clear, Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with, 233
Anchorage System, Miniscrew, Clinical Applications of the, by A. Carano, S. Velo, P. Leone, and G. Siciliani: Commentary, 587
Anchorage System, Skeletal, “Surgery First” Skeletal Class III Correction Using the, by H. Nagasaka, J. Sugawara, H. Kawamura, and R. Nanda: Commentary, 598
Anchorage, Mini-Implant, Lower-Molar Distalization with, in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
Anchorage, Miniscrew, and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, Anterior Open-Bite Correction with, 719
Anchorage, Skeletal, and Low-Friction Mechanics, Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using, 419
Anchorage, Skeletal, The Possibility of, by T.D. Creekmore and M.K. Eklund: Commentary, 513
Anchorage, Use of Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic, 406
Andrews, L.F., The Straight-Wire Appliance: Commentary, 520
Ankylosis, Post-, Malocclusion and Mandibular Deformity, Multidisciplinary Management of, 809
Ankylosis, Pseudo-, Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic, for Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, 290
Arnett, G.W. and Gunson, M.J., Esthetic Treatment Planning for Orthognathic Surgery: Commentary, 606
Asymmetrical Class II Cases, Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in, 86
Attachments, Composite, and Class II Elastics, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Upper-Canine Distalization with Clear Aligners, 24
Battery Voltage, Effects of Declining, on Light Intensity and Power Consumption of Light-Curing Units, 411
Bench, R.W., Gugino, C.F., and Hilgers, J.J., Bio-Progressive Therapy: Commentary, 524
Bimaxillary Protrusion, Correction of, after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, 353
Biocreative Torque-Maintaining Archwire for Adult Patients with Pathologically Migrated Incisors, 748
Bio-Progressive Therapy by R.W. Bench, C.F. Gugino, and J.J. Hilgers: Commentary, 524
Bisphosphonates, Effects of, on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
Biteplate, Maxillary Expansion, 46
Bonded Lingual Retainers, Measuring, 294
Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander, From Planning to Delivery of a, in One Visit, 198
Book Reviews, 54, 129, 241, 346, 490, 679, 800
Boyd, R.L., Complex Orthodontic Treatment Using a New Protocol for the Invisalign Appliance: Commentary, 610
Bracket Positioning for Smile Arc Protection, 142
Burstone, C.J. and Manhartsberger, C., Precision Lingual Arches: Commentary, 547
Camouflage, Orthodontic, vs. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusions, 209
Canine Bracket Guide for Substitution Cases, 450
Canine Retraction, Root-First Lingual, with Power Arms, 427
Canine, Palatally Impacted, Step-by-Step Traction of a, 335
Canine, Upper-, Distalization with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and Class II Elastics, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of, 24
Canines, Ectopic, Physiological Drifting of, 481
Canines, Impacted, Upper, Orthodontic Traction of, Using the VISTA Technique, 76
Canines, The Shoulder Spring for Eruption of Impacted, 657
Carano, A., Velo, S., Leone, P., and Siciliani, G., Clinical Applications of the Miniscrew Anchorage System: Commentary, 587
Case Report, 47, 103, 173, 223, 295, 353, 419, 461, 719
Cetlin, N.M. and Ten Hoeve, A., Nonextraction Treatment: Commentary, 536
Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
Class II Cases, Asymmetrical, Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in, 86
Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, 419
Class II Elastics, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Upper-Canine Distalization with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and, 24
Class II Malocclusions, Skeletal, Orthodontic Camouflage vs. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of, 209
Class II Non-Compliance Therapy, The Pendulum Appliance for, by J.J. Hilgers: Commentary, 564
Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients, A Modified Retainer for, 229
Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion in Adults, Forsus Appliance for Treatment of, 347
Class III Malocclusion in Young Patients, An Orthopedic Approach to the Treatment of, by J.A. McNamara Jr.: Commentary, 560
Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for Rapid Palatal Expansion, 317
Class III, High-Angle Treatment, Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in, 667
Class III, Skeletal, “Surgery First” Correction Using the Skeletal Anchorage System, by H. Nagasaka, J. Sugawara, H. Kawamura, and R. Nanda: Commentary, 598
Clinical Applications of the Miniscrew Anchorage System by A. Carano, S. Velo, P. Leone, and G. Siciliani: Commentary, 587
Coastal Convergence, 71
Common Sense Mechanics by T.F. Mulligan: Commentary, 528
Complex Orthodontic Treatment Using a New Protocol for the Invisalign Appliance by R.L. Boyd: Commentary, 610
Composite Beads, Forsus Reactivation with, 677
Condyle-Fossa Relationship, Changes in the, in Patients with TMD after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, 353
Craniomandibular Disorders, The Temporomandibular Joint and: JCO Roundtable: Commentary, 573
Creekmore, T.D. and Eklund, M.K., The Possibility of Skeletal Anchorage: Commentary, 513
Cutting Edge, The, 259, 377
De Baets, J. and Chiarini, M., The Pseudo-Class I: A Newly Defined Type of Malocclusion: Commentary, 576
Diastema Relapse, Maxillary, A Quick and Easy Fix for, 113
Distalization, Lower-Molar, with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
Distalization, Molar, A New Appliance for Efficient, 738
Distalization, Upper Molar, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and, 317
Distalization, Upper-Canine, with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and Class II Elastics, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of, 24
Double-Wire Bracket for Anterior Alignment, 3D-Printed, 377
Easy Driver for Placement of Palatal Mini-Implants and a Maxillary Expander in a Single Appointment, The, 728
Ectopic Canines, Physiological Drifting of, 481
Ectopic Molar Correction with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, Simultaneous Phase I Expansion and, 295
Effectiveness of Clear Aligners in Treating Patients with Anterior Open Bite: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the TMJ: A Systematic Review, 471
Effects of Declining Battery Voltage on Light Intensity and Power Consumption of Light-Curing Units, 411
Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on the Clinical and Biomechanical Efficiency of Mini-Implants: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 259
Efficient and Effective Technique for Uprighting Mesially Erupting Lower Second Molars, 179
Elastics, Class II, A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Upper-Canine Distalization with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and, 24
Elastics, Orthodontic, Extraction of Gingivally Retained Deciduous Teeth Using, 480
Elastomeric Chain, Multipurpose Ligation Technique for, 821
Elmahdy, Dr. Moataz: 2017 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year, 139
Esthetic Treatment Planning for Orthognathic Surgery by G.W. Arnett and M.J. Gunson: Commentary, 606
Evaluating the Efficacy of Lower Incisor Intrusion with Clear Aligners, 233
Expander, Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary, From Planning to Delivery of a, in One Visit, 198
Expander, Maxillary, The Easy Driver for Placement of Palatal Mini-Implants and a, in a Single Appointment, 728
Expansion Biteplate, Maxillary, 46
Expansion, Rapid Palatal, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for, 317
Expansion, Simultaneous Phase I, and Ectopic Molar Correction with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, 295
Extraction of Gingivally Retained Deciduous Teeth Using Orthodontic Elastics, 480
Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction, Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after, 353
Extractions, Lower First-Molar, and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
Fees, Orthodontic, by E.L. Gottlieb: Commentary, 580
Forsus Appliance for Treatment of Class II, Division 2 Malocclusion in Adults, 347
Forsus Reactivation with Composite Beads, 677
From Planning to Delivery of a Bone-Borne Rapid Maxillary Expander in One Visit, 198
Fry Orthodontic Specialists: Practice Profile, 167
Functional and Surgical Patients, Class II or III, A Modified Retainer for, 229
Future Is Now, The: How Millennials, Tech, and a Chess-Playing Computer Are Changing Orthodontics, 661
Gottlieb, E.L., Orthodontic Fees: Commentary, 580
Gottlieb, Eugene L., 2017, JCO Student of the Year: Dr. Moataz Elmahdy, 139
Guide, A Simple Glue-Tray, for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, 361
Guide, Canine Bracket, for Substitution Cases, 450
Haeger, R.S. and Colberg, R.T.: A Strategic Orthodontic Marketing Plan: Commentary, 618
Hamula, W. and Bucher, B., Orthodontic Office Design: Creating Your Next Office: Commentary, 584
High-Angle Class III Treatment, Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in, 667
High-Angle Patient, Adult, Class II Correction in an, Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, 419
Hilgers, J.J., The Pendulum Appliance for Class II Non-Compliance Therapy: Commentary, 564
Hogan, Mr. Joseph, JCO Interviews on Align Technology, 95
Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, 317
Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, Simultaneous Phase I Expansion and Ectopic Molar Correction with a, 295
Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, Treatment of an, 173
Impacted Canine, Palatally, Step-by-Step Traction of a, 335
Impacted Canines, The Shoulder Spring for Eruption of, 657
Impacted Upper Canines, Orthodontic Traction of, Using the VISTA Technique, 76
Impacted, Horizontally, and Transposed Upper Central Incisor, Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a, 461
Implants, Osseointegrated, for Orthodontic Anchorage, Use of, 406
Incisor Intrusion, Lower, with Clear Aligners, Evaluating the Efficacy of, 233
Incisor, Upper Central, Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted, 461
Incisors, Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral, Orthodontic Space Closure for Management of, 223
Incisors, Missing Upper Lateral, Micro-Osteoperforation as an Adjunct for the Correction of Negative Anterior Overjet in an Adolescent Patient with, 47
Incisors, Pathologically Migrated, Biocreative Torque-Maintaining Archwire for Adult Patients with, 748
Interdisciplinary Aligner Treatment of Short-Face Patients, 382
Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth to Correct a Severe Anterior Open Bite, 326
Intrusion, Lower Incisor, with Clear Aligners, Evaluating the Efficacy of, 233
Intrusion, Molar, Spring-Assisted, in Clear-Aligner Treatment, 270
Inverted Upper Premolar, Treatment of an Impacted and, 173
Invisalign Appliance, Complex Orthodontic Treatment Using a New Protocol for the, by R.L. Boyd: Commentary, 610
Invisalign Treatment Efficiency, Weekly Aligner Changes to Improve, 786
Invisalign with Photobiomodulation: Optimizing Tooth Movement and Treatment Efficacy with a Novel Self-Assessment Algorithm, 157
JCO 2017 Orthodontic Practice Study, 639, 707, 773
JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn U. Zachrisson on Excellence in Finishing: Commentary, 555
JCO Interviews Mr. Joseph Hogan on Align Technology, 95
JCO Roundtable: The Temporomandibular Joint and Craniomandibular Disorders: Commentary, 573
JCO Student of the Year, 2017 Eugene L. Gottlieb: Dr. Moataz Elmahdy, 139
JPO Interviews Dr. Charles H. Tweed: Commentary, 516
Knowing Your Practice: A Cost Comparative Basis for Practice Management by M.L. Schulman: Commentary, 544
Kravitz, N.D., Groth, C., Jones, P.E., Graham, J.W., and Redmond, W.R., Overview: Intraoral Digital Scanners: Commentary, 622
Ligation Technique for Elastomeric Chain, Multipurpose, 821
Light-Curing Units, Effects of Declining Battery Voltage on Light Intensity and Power Consumption of, 411
Lingual Arches, Precision, by C.J. Burstone and C. Manhartsberger: Commentary, 547
Lingual, Upper, and Lower Labial Appliances, Anterior Open-Bite Correction with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of, 719
Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
Lower-Molar Distalization with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage, Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using, 419
Management and Marketing, 661
Management, Practice, A Cost Comparative Basis for: Knowing Your Practice, by M.L. Schulman: Commentary, 544
Mandibular Deformity, Multidisciplinary Management of Post-Ankylosis Malocclusion and, 809
Marketing Plan, A Strategic Orthodontic, by R.S. Haeger and R.T. Colberg: Commentary, 618
Master Clinician, 11
Maxillary Expander, Bone-Borne Rapid, From Planning to Delivery of a, in One Visit, 198
Maxillary Expander, The Easy Driver for Placement of Palatal Mini-Implants and a, in a Single Appointment, 728
Maxillary Expansion Biteplate, 46
McNamara Jr., J.A., An Orthopedic Approach to the Treatment of Class III Malocclusion in Young Patients: Commentary, 560
Measuring Bonded Lingual Retainers, 294
Melsen, B., Bonetti, G., and Giunta D., Statically Determinate Transpalatal Arches: Commentary, 568
Mentoplate, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and, for Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, 317
Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for, 290
Micro-Osteoperforation as an Adjunct for the Correction of Negative Anterior Overjet in an Adolescent Patient with Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 47
Millennials, Tech, and a Chess-Playing Computer Are Changing Orthodontics, How: The Future Is Now, 661
Mini-Implant Anchorage, Lower-Molar Distalization with, in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
Mini-Implants, Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on the Clinical and Biomechanical Efficiency of: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 259
Mini-Implants, Long, New Extra-Alveolar Sites for: The Zygoma and the Symphysis, 680
Mini-Implants, Palatal, and a Maxillary Expander in a Single Appointment, The Easy Driver for Placement of, 728
Mini-Implant-Supported Tongue Crib, Treatment of Anterior Open Bite with a, 37
Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, Anterior Open-Bite Correction with, 719
Miniscrew Anchorage System, Clinical Applications of the, by A. Carano, S. Velo, P. Leone, and G. Siciliani: Commentary, 587
Miniscrew Insertion, A Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise, 361
Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, 461
Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for Mesialization of a Lower Third Molar, 290
Modified Retainer for Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients, A, 229
Molar Correction, Ectopic, with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, Simultaneous Phase I Expansion and, 295
Molar Distalization, A New Appliance for Efficient, 738
Molar Distalization, Lower-, with Mini-Implant Anchorage in Asymmetrical Class II Cases, 86
Molar Distalization, Upper, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and, 317
Molar Intrusion, Spring-Assisted, in Clear-Aligner Treatment, 270
Molar Protraction, Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and, 353
Molar, Lower First-, Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment, 667
Molar, Lower Third, Miniscrew-Supported Orthodontic Pseudo-Ankylosis for Mesialization of a, 290
Molars, Lower Second, an Efficient and Effective Technique for Uprighting Mesially, 179
Mulligan, T.F., Common Sense Mechanics: Commentary, 528
Multidisciplinary Management of Post-Ankylosis Malocclusion and Mandibular Deformity, 809
Multipurpose Ligation Technique for Elastomeric Chain, 821
Nagasaka, H., Sugawara, J., Kawamura, H., and Nanda, R., “Surgery First” Skeletal Class III Correction Using the Skeletal Anchorage System: Commentary, 598
New Appliance for Efficient Molar Distalization, A, 738
Nonextraction Treatment by N.M. Cetlin and A. Ten Hoeve: Commentary, 536
Nonsurgical Treatment of a Severe Skeletal Anterior Open Bite, 103
Occlusal Deprogramming, Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in Patients with TMD after, 29
Office Design, Orthodontic: Creating Your Next Office, by W. Hamula and B. Bucher: Commentary, 584
Open Bite, Anterior, Effectiveness of Clear Aligners in Treating Patients with: A Retrospective Analysis, 454
Open Bite, Anterior, Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Teeth to Correct a, 326
Open Bite, Anterior, Treatment of, with a Mini-Implant-Supported Tongue Crib, 37
Open Bite, Anterior, Two-Phase Treatment of, 801
Open Bite, Severe Skeletal Anterior, Nonsurgical Treatment of a, 103
Open-Bite Correction, Anterior, with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances, 719
Orthodontic Camouflage vs. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusions, 209
Orthodontic Fees by E.L. Gottlieb: Commentary, 580
Orthodontic Office Design: Creating Your Next Office by W. Hamula and B. Bucher: Commentary, 584
Orthodontic Space Closure for Management of Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 223
Orthodontic Traction of Impacted Upper Canines Using the VISTA Technique, 76
Orthognathic Surgery, Esthetic Treatment Planning for, by G.W. Arnett and M.J. Gunson: Commentary, 606
Orthopedic Approach to the Treatment of Class III Malocclusion in Young Patients, An, by J.A. McNamara Jr.: Commentary, 560
Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage, Use of, 406
Overjet, Negative Anterior, in an Adolescent Patient with Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, Micro-Osteoperforation as an Adjunct for the Correction of, 47
Overview, 471
Overview: Intraoral Digital Scanners by N.D. Kravitz, C. Groth, P.E. Jones, J.W. Graham, and W.R. Redmond: Commentary, 622
Pain and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Guided Piezocorticision-Assisted Orthodontic Treatment, 792
Palatal Expansion, Rapid, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for 317
Palatal Mini-Implants and a Maxillary Expander, The Easy Driver for Placement of, in a Single Appointment, 728
Pearls, 46, 113, 179, 229, 294, 361, 427, 480, 677, 706, 821
Pendulum Appliance for Class II Non-Compliance Therapy, The, by J.J. Hilgers: Commentary, 564
Phase I Expansion and Ectopic Molar Correction, Simultaneous, with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, 295
Photobiomodulation, Invisalign with: Optimizing Tooth Movement and Treatment Efficacy with a Novel Self-Assessment Algorithm, 157
Photodynamic Therapy, Effects of, on the Clinical and Biomechanical Efficiency of Mini-Implants: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 259
Physiological Drifting of Ectopic Canines, 481
Piezocorticision-Assisted Orthodontic Treatment, Guided, Pain and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing, 792
Possibility of Skeletal Anchorage, The, by T.D. Creekmore and M.K. Eklund: Commentary, 513
Power Arms, Root-First Lingual Canine Retraction with, 427
Power Consumption and Light Intensity of Light-Curing Units, Effects of Declining Battery Voltage on, 411
Practice Profile, 167
Practice Study, 2017 JCO Orthodontic, 639, 707, 773
Precision Lingual Arches by C.J. Burstone and C. Manhartsberger: Commentary, 547
Premolar, Upper, Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted, 173
Protraction, Molar, Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and, 353
Pseudo-Class I: A Newly Defined Type of Malocclusion, The, by J. De Baets and M. Chiarini: Commentary, 576
Quality of Life, Pain and, in Patients Undergoing Guided Piezocorticision-Assisted Orthodontic Treatment, 792
Quick and Easy Fix for Maxillary Diastema Relapse, A, 113
Rapid Maxillary Expander, Bone-Borne, From Planning to Delivery of a, in One Visit, 198
Rapid Palatal Expansion, Class III Treatment, and Upper Molar Distalization, Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer and Mentoplate for, 317
Readers’ Corner, The, 243, 615
Relapse, Maxillary Diastema, A Quick and Easy Fix for, 113
Remote Retainer Fabrication Using Teledentistry, 706
Retained Deciduous Teeth, Gingivally, Extraction of, Using Orthodontic Elastics, 480
Retainer Fabrication, Remote, Using Teledentistry, 706
Retainer, A Modified, for Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients, 229
Retainers, Bonded Lingual, Measuring, 294
Retraction with Power Arms, Root-First Lingual Canine, 427
Root Anomaly, Severe Short-, Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with, 279
Root-First Lingual Canine Retraction with Power Arms, 427
Scanners, Intraoral Digital: Overview, by N.D. Kravitz, C. Groth, P.E. Jones, J.W. Graham, and W.R. Redmond: Commentary, 622
Schulman, M.L., Knowing Your Practice: A Cost Comparative Basis for Practice Management: Commentary, 544
Sheridan, J.J., Air-Rotor Stripping: Commentary, 540
Short-Face Patients, Interdisciplinary Aligner Treatment of, 382
Short-Root Anomaly, Severe, Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with, 279
Shoulder Spring for Eruption of Impacted Canines, The, 657
Simple Glue-Tray Guide for Precise Miniscrew Insertion, A, 361
Simultaneous Phase I Expansion and Ectopic Molar Correction with a Hyrax-Halterman Appliance, 295
Skeletal Anchorage and Low-Friction Mechanics, Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using, 419
Skeletal Anchorage System, “Surgery First” Skeletal Class III Correction Using the, by H. Nagasaka, J. Sugawara, H. Kawamura, and R. Nanda: Commentary, 598
Skeletal Anchorage, The Possibility of, by T.D. Creekmore and M.K. Eklund: Commentary, 513
Skeletal Anterior Open Bite, Severe, Nonsurgical Treatment of a, 103
Smile Analysis and Design in the Digital Era by M.B. Ackerman and J.L. Ackerman: Commentary, 602
Smile Arc Protection, Bracket Positioning for, 142
Space Closure, Orthodontic, for Management of Congenitally Missing Upper Lateral Incisors, 223
Spring-Assisted Molar Intrusion in Clear-Aligner Treatment, 270
Statically Determinate Transpalatal Arches by B. Melsen, G. Bonetti, and D. Giunta: Commentary, 568
Step-by-Step Traction of a Palatally Impacted Canine, 335
Straight-Wire Appliance, The, by L.F. Andrews: Commentary, 520
Strategic Orthodontic Marketing Plan, A, by R.S. Haeger and R.T. Colberg: Commentary, 618
Stripping, Air-Rotor, by J.J. Sheridan: Commentary, 540
Student of the Year, JCO, 2017 Eugene L. Gottlieb: Dr. Moataz Elmahdy, 139
Substitution Cases, Canine Bracket Guide for, 450
“Surgery First” Skeletal Class III Correction Using the Skeletal Anchorage System by H. Nagasaka, J. Sugawara, H. Kawamura, and R. Nanda: Commentary, 598
Surgical Patients, Functional and, A Modified Retainer for Class II or III, 229
Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment, Orthodontic Camouflage vs., of Skeletal Class II Malocclusions, 209
Symphysis, The Zygoma and the: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
Targeted Mechanics for Treatment of Patients with Severe Short-Root Anomaly, 279
Teledentistry, Remote Retainer Fabrication Using, 706
Temporomandibular Joint and Craniomandibular Disorders, The: JCO Roundtable: Commentary, 573
3D-Printed Double-Wire Bracket for Anterior Alignment, 377
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis, A, of Upper-Canine Distalization with Clear Aligners, Composite Attachments, and Class II Elastics, 24
TMD, Patients with, Changes in the Condyle-Fossa Relationship in, after Occlusal Deprogramming, 29
TMJ, Effects of Bisphosphonates on Orthodontic Treatment and the: A Systematic Review, 471
Tongue Crib, Mini-Implant-Supported, Treatment of Anterior Open Bite with a, 37
Torque-Maintaining Archwire, Biocreative, for Adult Patients with Pathologically Migrated Incisors, 748
Transpalatal Arches, Statically Determinate, by B. Melsen, G. Bonetti, and D. Giunta: Commentary, 568
Transposed and Horizontally Impacted Upper Central Incisor, Miniscrew-Assisted Treatment of a, 461
Treatment of an Impacted and Inverted Upper Premolar, 173
Treatment of Anterior Open Bite with a Mini-Implant-Supported Tongue Crib, 37
Tweed, Dr. Charles H., JPO Interviews: Commentary, 516
Two-Phase Treatment of Anterior Open Bite, 801
Uprighting Mesially Erupting Lower Second Molars, an Efficient and Effective Technique for, 179
Use of Osseointegrated Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage, 406
Vari-Simplex Discipline, The, by R.G. “Wick” Alexander: Commentary, 532
VISTA Technique, Orthodontic Traction of Impacted Upper Canines Using the, 76
Weekly Aligner Changes to Improve Invisalign Treatment Efficiency, 786
Zachrisson, Dr. Bjorn U., JCO Interviews on Excellence in Finishing: Commentary, 555
Zygoma and the Symphysis, The: New Extra-Alveolar Sites for Long Mini-Implants, 680
January, pp. 1-60; February, pp. 61-120; March, pp. 121-188; April, pp.189-248; May, pp. 249-308; June, pp. 309-368; July, pp. 369-436; August, pp. 437-496; September, pp. 497-628; October, pp. 629-696; November, pp. 697-764; December, pp. 765-840