THE EDITOR'S CORNERA Half-Century of ExcellenceROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDThis issue of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics represents a landmark in orthodontic history: the 50th anniversary of our publication. Fifty years ago this month, Dr. Eugene Gottlieb, our founding ... |
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COMMENTARY The Possibility of Skeletal AnchorageTHOMAS D. CREEKMORE, MICHAEL K. EKLUND Apr. 1983BJÖRN LUDWIG DMD, MSDDr. Björn Ludwig writes the commentary on this landmark 1983 JCO article by Creekmore and Eklund. The authors’ vision of skeletally anchored tooth movement, here using a surgical vitallium bone screw inserted just below anterior nasal spine, has since been validated through the application of modern titanium miniscrews in a variety of locations. |
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COMMENTARY JPO Interviews Dr. Charles H. TweedSIDNEY BRANDT Dec. 1967-Feb. 1968BIRTE MELSEN DDS, DrOdontThe first part of Dr. Sid Brandt’s interview of Charles H. Tweed was published the same year JCO was introduced—1967 (it started out as the Journal of Practical Orthodontics). My own introduction to o... |
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COMMENTARY The Straight-Wire ApplianceLAWRENCE F. ANDREWS Feb. 1976-Aug. 1976MASATADA KOGA DDS, PhDIn 1976, Dr. Lawrence F. Andrews published a series of seven articles in JCO, marking the first public presentation of the Straight-Wire Appliance (SWA). During the previous decade, he had developed m... |
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COMMENTARY Bio-Progressive TherapyRUEL W. BENCH, CARL F. GUGINO, JAMES J. HILGERS Sep. 1977-Aug. 1978RICHARD B. MYERS DDSI was delighted to be afforded the opportunity to comment on what to me has been one of the most formative series of articles ever published by JCO. In fact, the Bio-Progressive Technique has been the... |
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COMMENTARY Common Sense MechanicsTHOMAS F. MULLIGAN, Sep. 1979-Dec. 1980LARRY W. WHITE DDS, MSDTom Mulligan made his presentation to the Angle Society for membership in the spring of 1968 in Dallas. The senior class at Baylor Orthodontic Department were guests, and that was the first time we ha... |
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COMMENTARY The Vari-Simplex DisciplineR.G. "WICK" ALEXANDER Jun. 1983-Oct. 1983GAYLE GLENN DDS, MSDThrough the publication of these Vari-Simplex articles in 1983, JCO introduced Dr. R.G. “Wick” Alexander’s orthodontic technique and philosophy to the orthodontic profession. “Vari” referred to the va... |
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COMMENTARY Nonextraction TreatmentNORMAN M. CETLIN, ANE TEN HOEVE Jun. 1983STEVEN J. LINDAUER DMD, MDScIn June 1983, when Drs. Norm Cetlin and Ane Ten Hoeve published this important paper in JCO, I was just finishing up my first year of dental school. I had not yet taken even a single course in orthodo... |
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COMMENTARY Air-Rotor StrippingJOHN J. SHERIDAN Jan 1985ELLIOTT M. MOSKOWITZ DDS, MSDWhen this article on air-rotor stripping (ARS) by Dr. Jack Sheridan was published in the January 1985 issue of JCO, it raised more than a few eyebrows due to its radical departure from the prevailing ... |
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COMMENTARY Knowing Your Practice: A Cost Comparative Basis for Practice ManagementMARTIN L. SCHULMAN Sep 1970EUGENE L. GOTTLIEB DDSOver his long association with orthodontists and with JCO, Martin L. Schulman was an outstanding influence on the management of orthodontic practices. In specific detail, as this 1970 article demonstr... |
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COMMENTARY Precision Lingual ArchesCHARLES J. BURSTONE, CLEMENS MANHARTSBERGER Jul. 1988, Feb. 1989FLAVIO A. URIBE DDS, MDSc, STACEY REISS DDSCharles J. Burstone has often been called the “Father of Biomechanics.” With the development of the segmented-arch technique, he envisioned a careful approach to deliver the appropriate forces to the ... |
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COMMENTARY JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn U. Zachrisson on Excellence in FinishingEUGENE L. GOTTLIEB Jul-1986-Aug. 1986JONATHAN SANDLER BDS (Hons.), MSc, PhD, FDS RCPS, MOrth RCSIn a 1986 two-part interview, JCO Editor Gene Gottlieb discussed the details of case finishing with Dr. Zachrisson. Topics ranged from overcorrection to esthetic contouring and stripping to retention. This essay by Dr. Jonathan Sandler describes the impact of Dr. Zachrisson’s philosophy on the profession and on his own teaching. |
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COMMENTARY An Orthopedic Approach to the Treatment of Class III Malocclusion in Young PatientsJAMES A. MCNAMARA, JR. Sep 1987ROLF G. BEHRENTS DDS, MS, PhD, PhD (Hons.)Three decades ago, Dr. Jim McNamara wrote a paper for JCO whose meaning and utility endure as if it were written today. As such, it is a classic judged to be outstanding in its quality and meaningful ... |
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COMMENTARY The Pendulum Appliance for Class II Non-Compliance TherapyJAMES J. HILGERS Nov 1992SHANNON HILGERS NISSEN DMD, MSFour years ago, I was attending an orthodontic study group with several visiting orthodontists. Following our spirited morning session, I was lucky enough to be seated at lunch next to a doctor who ha... |
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COMMENTARY Statically Determinate Transpalatal ArchesBIRTE MELSEN, GIULIO BONETTI, DANIELA GIUNTA Oct. 1994VITTORIO CACCIAFESTA DDS, MSc, PhDIn this beautiful article by Drs. Birte Melsen, Giulio Bonetti, and Daniela Giunta, the authors showed how to use transpalatal arches (TPAs) as cantilevers—that is, with a single-point contact on one ... |
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COMMENTARY JCO Roundtable: The Temporomandibular Joint and Craniomandibular DisordersLARRY W. WHITE, CHARLES S. GREENE, JEFFREY P. OKESON, ARTHUR S. STOREY, L. GEORGE UPTON Sep. 1992JOHN W. GRAHAM DDS, MDIt is a high honor for me to share my thoughts about Dr. Larry White’s 1992 Roundtable. I’ve known Larry for many years, and we share a lot of biographical details: Baylor College of Dentistry alums,... |
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COMMENTARY The Pseudo-Class I: A Newly Defined Type of MalocclusionJAN DE BAETS, MARTIN CHIARINI Feb. 1995DAVID RICE BDS, FDS Orth, PhDIn a classic article by Jan De Baets and Martin Chiarini in 19951 and then in a series of articles by Dr. De Baets in 1995 and 1997,2-4 all published in JCO, the association of mandibular dental crowd... |
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COMMENTARY Orthodontic FeesEUGENE L. GOTTLIEB Dec. 1998ROBERT S. HAEGER DDS, MSDr. Gene Gottlieb’s classic Management & Marketing article on orthodontic fees examined many factors that remain relevant to orthodontists two decades later.1 |
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COMMENTARY Orthodontic Office Design: Creating Your Next OfficeWARREN HAMULA, BRIAN BUCHER Dec. 2000ELLEN M. GRADY BAForm follows function: an apt phrase to describe the most basic principle in determining the important elements of a successful facility design. An appreciation of the impact of office layout on workf... |
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COMMENTARY Clinical Applications of the Miniscrew Anchorage SystemALDO CARANO, STEFANO VELO, PAOLA LEONE, GUISEPPE SICILIANI Jan. 2005S. JAY BOWMAN DMD, MSDIn 2005, a contingent of prescient and innovative Italian orthodontists published an article that gave practitioners a preview of things to come in the burgeoning world of skeletal anchorage, specific... |
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COMMENTARY "Surgery First" Skeletal Class III Correction Using the Skeletal Anchorage SystemHIROSHI NAGASAKA, JUNJI SUGAWARA, HIROSHI KAWAMURA, RAVINDRA NANDA Feb. 2009SEONG-HUN KIM DMD, MSD, PhDThis article by Dr. Hiroshi Nagasaka and colleagues marked a paradigm shift in surgical orthodontics.1 The combination of the “surgery first” technique with the Skeletal Anchorage System of Dr. Junji ... |
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COMMENTARY Smile Analysis and Design in the Digital EraMARC B. ACKERMAN, JAMES L. ACKERMAN Apr. 2002NEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSAccording to Drs. Marc and James Ackerman, the most important goal for the orthodontist is to achieve “a balanced smile,” which is the appropriate positioning of the teeth in relation to the gingiva a... |
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COMMENTARY Esthetic Treatment Planning for Orthognathic SurgeryG. WILLIAM ARNETT, MICHAEL J. GUNSON Mar. 2010PETER M. SINCLAIR DDS, MSDBecause esthetics, rather than function, is the main reason most patients seek orthodontic care, a simple and practical approach to esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning is of great value to the c... |
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COMMENTARY Complex Orthodontic Treatment Using a New Protocol for the Invisalign ApplianceROBERT L. BOYD Sep. 2007BOB FRY DDS, MSThis seminal article by Dr. Robert Boyd appeared in JCO’s 40th Anniversary Issue, September 2007. As the commentator, Dr. Bob Fry, points out, the author assessed the early challenges of Invisalign treatment while pointing the way toward new possibilities for addressing more difficult cases with clear aligners. |
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THE READERS' CORNER50 Years of JCOPETER M. SINCLAIR DDS, MSD(Editor’s Note: The Readers’ Corner is a regular feature of JCO in which orthodontists share their experiences and opinions about treatment and practice management. Questions are sent periodically to ... |
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COMMENTARY A Strategic Orthodontic Marketing PlanROBERT S. HAEGER, ROGER T. COLBERG Dec. 2012-Feb. 2013KEN ALEXANDER BA, MDivIn the mid-’80s, when I ran around the country teaching “practice management,” most of my clients quickly doubled and tripled in size as they explored the new frontier of marketing. At the time, the v... |
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COMMENTARY Overview: Intraoral Digital ScannersNEAL D. KRAVITZ, CHRISTIAN GROTH, PERRY E. JONES, JOHN W. GRAHAM, W. RONALD REDMOND Jun. 2014JUAN MARTIN PALOMO DDS, MSDOnly three years have passed since this Overview on intraoral digital scanners was published, but orthodontic technology has changed considerably since then. The work of Dr. Neal Kravitz and colleague... |
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This issue of the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics represents a landmark in orthodontic history: the 50th anniversary of our publication. Fifty years ago this month, Dr. Eugene Gottlieb, our founding ...
Dr. Björn Ludwig writes the commentary on this landmark 1983 JCO article by Creekmore and Eklund. The authors’ vision of skeletally anchored tooth movement, here using a surgical vitallium bone screw inserted just below anterior nasal spine, has since been validated through the application of modern titanium miniscrews in a variety of locations.
The first part of Dr. Sid Brandt’s interview of Charles H. Tweed was published the same year JCO was introduced—1967 (it started out as the Journal of Practical Orthodontics). My own introduction to o...
In 1976, Dr. Lawrence F. Andrews published a series of seven articles in JCO, marking the first public presentation of the Straight-Wire Appliance (SWA). During the previous decade, he had developed m...
I was delighted to be afforded the opportunity to comment on what to me has been one of the most formative series of articles ever published by JCO. In fact, the Bio-Progressive Technique has been the...
Tom Mulligan made his presentation to the Angle Society for membership in the spring of 1968 in Dallas. The senior class at Baylor Orthodontic Department were guests, and that was the first time we ha...
Through the publication of these Vari-Simplex articles in 1983, JCO introduced Dr. R.G. “Wick” Alexander’s orthodontic technique and philosophy to the orthodontic profession. “Vari” referred to the va...
In June 1983, when Drs. Norm Cetlin and Ane Ten Hoeve published this important paper in JCO, I was just finishing up my first year of dental school. I had not yet taken even a single course in orthodo...
When this article on air-rotor stripping (ARS) by Dr. Jack Sheridan was published in the January 1985 issue of JCO, it raised more than a few eyebrows due to its radical departure from the prevailing ...
Over his long association with orthodontists and with JCO, Martin L. Schulman was an outstanding influence on the management of orthodontic practices. In specific detail, as this 1970 article demonstr...
Charles J. Burstone has often been called the “Father of Biomechanics.” With the development of the segmented-arch technique, he envisioned a careful approach to deliver the appropriate forces to the ...
In a 1986 two-part interview, JCO Editor Gene Gottlieb discussed the details of case finishing with Dr. Zachrisson. Topics ranged from overcorrection to esthetic contouring and stripping to retention. This essay by Dr. Jonathan Sandler describes the impact of Dr. Zachrisson’s philosophy on the profession and on his own teaching.
Three decades ago, Dr. Jim McNamara wrote a paper for JCO whose meaning and utility endure as if it were written today. As such, it is a classic judged to be outstanding in its quality and meaningful ...
Four years ago, I was attending an orthodontic study group with several visiting orthodontists. Following our spirited morning session, I was lucky enough to be seated at lunch next to a doctor who ha...
In this beautiful article by Drs. Birte Melsen, Giulio Bonetti, and Daniela Giunta, the authors showed how to use transpalatal arches (TPAs) as cantilevers—that is, with a single-point contact on one ...
It is a high honor for me to share my thoughts about Dr. Larry White’s 1992 Roundtable. I’ve known Larry for many years, and we share a lot of biographical details: Baylor College of Dentistry alums,...
In a classic article by Jan De Baets and Martin Chiarini in 19951 and then in a series of articles by Dr. De Baets in 1995 and 1997,2-4 all published in JCO, the association of mandibular dental crowd...
Dr. Gene Gottlieb’s classic Management & Marketing article on orthodontic fees examined many factors that remain relevant to orthodontists two decades later.1
Form follows function: an apt phrase to describe the most basic principle in determining the important elements of a successful facility design. An appreciation of the impact of office layout on workf...
In 2005, a contingent of prescient and innovative Italian orthodontists published an article that gave practitioners a preview of things to come in the burgeoning world of skeletal anchorage, specific...
This article by Dr. Hiroshi Nagasaka and colleagues marked a paradigm shift in surgical orthodontics.1 The combination of the “surgery first” technique with the Skeletal Anchorage System of Dr. Junji ...
According to Drs. Marc and James Ackerman, the most important goal for the orthodontist is to achieve “a balanced smile,” which is the appropriate positioning of the teeth in relation to the gingiva a...
Because esthetics, rather than function, is the main reason most patients seek orthodontic care, a simple and practical approach to esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning is of great value to the c...
This seminal article by Dr. Robert Boyd appeared in JCO’s 40th Anniversary Issue, September 2007. As the commentator, Dr. Bob Fry, points out, the author assessed the early challenges of Invisalign treatment while pointing the way toward new possibilities for addressing more difficult cases with clear aligners.
(Editor’s Note: The Readers’ Corner is a regular feature of JCO in which orthodontists share their experiences and opinions about treatment and practice management. Questions are sent periodically to ...
In the mid-’80s, when I ran around the country teaching “practice management,” most of my clients quickly doubled and tripled in size as they explored the new frontier of marketing. At the time, the v...
Only three years have passed since this Overview on intraoral digital scanners was published, but orthodontic technology has changed considerably since then. The work of Dr. Neal Kravitz and colleague...
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