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Search Results For: 'interview'


JCO Interviews Dr. Robert M. Ricketts on Early Treatment, Part 3

Volume 13 : Number 3 : Page 180 : Mar 1979

180-jco-img-0.jpg Craniofacial anatomy demonstrated by xerography. (Courtesy Dr. Robert M. Ricketts a33nd Rocky Mountain/Orthodontics.)DR. BRANDT Are your serial extractions restricted to Class I malo...


JCO Interviews Dr. C. Norman Shealy on Holistic Health, Part 2

Volume 15 : Number 9 : Page 615 : Sep 1981

DR. GOTTLIEB I'd like to ask you now about the orthodontist's work environment. For example, in recent years dentists have sought to minimize movement through time and motion approaches. Most dentists...


JCO Interviews Dr. Bjorn U. Zachrisson on Iatrogenic Damage in Orthodontic Treatment, Part 2

Volume 12 : Number 3 : Page 208 : Mar 1978

DR. BRANDT What does good toothbrushing accomplish?DR. ZACHRISSON The aim of all good hygiene methods is to actively remove all bacterial deposits. By the correct use of a toothbrush this can be achie...


JCO Interviews Dr. Elliott Silverman, Dr. Morton Cohen, and Dr. A.J. Gwinnett on Bonding

Volume 13 : Number 4 : Page 236 : Apr 1979

JCO Can you estimate how much bonding is being done? DR. GWINNETT In a recent survey of orthodontists, Gorelick (JCO, January 1979) found that only about 7% were not bonding at all. 93% were bonding i...


JCO Interviews Dr. Richard S. Rutkowski, Dr. Bruce Sanders, and Dr. Roger S. Wolk on Surgical-Orthodontics

Volume 13 : Number 6 : Page 390 : Jun 1979

JCO How do you evaluate a surgical-orthodontic case?DR. WOLK We get intraoral and extraoral photographs, tomograms, head films, panoramic and periapical x-rays, and models. The tomograms are valuable ...


JCO Interviews Dr. Charles J. Burstone on the Uses of the Computer in Orthodontic Practice, Part 1

Volume 13 : Number 7 : Page 442 : Jul 1979

JCO What is the future of computers in orthodontics? DR. BURSTONE Within five to ten years, I expect that you are going to see computers in most orthodontic offices (Fig. 1). JCO How much are orthodon...


JCO Interviews Dr. Charles J. Burstone on the Uses of the Computer in Orthodontic Practice, Part 2

Volume 13 : Number 8 : Page 539 : Aug 1979

JCO Now, will you demonstrate how you make and use the occlusogram?DR. BURSTONE Digitizing the points of the 1:1 occlusal photograph of the model gives us both measurements and a diagram of the tooth ...


JCO Interviews Dr. James McNamara, Jr., on the Frankel Appliance, Part 1: Biological Basis and Appliance Design

Volume 16 : Number 5 : Page 320 : May 1982

DR. GOTTLIEB Jim, give us a little background on how you became involved with the Frankel Appliance.DR. MCNAMARA After graduation from the University of California orthodontic program in 1968, I came ...


JCO Interviews Dr. James A. McNamara, Jr., on the Frankel Appliance, Part 2: Clinical Management

Volume 16 : Number 6 : Page 390 : Jun 1982

DR. GOTTLIEB Jim, let's begin at the beginning in your approach to the clinical management of the Frankel appliance and the Frankel patient.DR. MCNAMARA Before the patient comes in, I always want to k...


JCO Interviews Dr. Homer W. Phillips on Computers in Orthodontic Practice, Part 1

Volume 17 : Number 11 : Page 746 : Nov 1983

DR. GOTTLIEB Should an orthodontist have a computer?DR. PHILLIPS You don't start with needing a computer. First you have to say, "Here are five tasks in my office. What is the most efficient, accurate...


JCO Interviews Dr. Homer W. Phillips on Computers in Orthodontic Practice, Part 2

Volume 17 : Number 12 : Page 819 : Dec 1983

DR. GOTTLIEB Is it hard to make a mistake in buying hardware, provided that you've taken care of language capability and bought programs that suit your practice? DR. PHILLIPS I'd say it is extremely e...


JCO Interviews Dr. Stephen R. Marquardt on the Golden Decagon and Human Facial Beauty

Volume 36 : Number 6 : Page 339 : Jun 2002

DR. GOTTLIEB Steve, you appeared on a recent television documentary series, The Human Face, in a section called "Beauty", and presented a Golden Decagon mask that you have devised from the Golden Rati...


JCO Interviews Dr. David G. Bojrab, Dr. James E. Dumas, and Dr. Don E. Lahrman on Surgical-Orthodontics

Volume 11 : Number 5 : Page 330 : May 1977

JCO Orthodontists have to know more about the surgical considerations in orthognathic surgery and, on the other hand, surgeons have to know more about the orthodontic considerations. Hopefully, the tw...



40 Years of JCO Interviews

Volume 41 : Number 8 : Page 0 : Aug 2007

In last month's Editor's Corner, I highlighted the presentations of the other keynote speakers at the annual meeting of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS) in Berlin this past June. As I noted, bec...



Volume 1 : Number 10 : Page 8 : Aug 2019

JCO has selected two articles offering excellent insights into associate opportunities and how to make them as successful as possible. “Associating after Residency” by Meru and “Finding a Successful A...



Volume 2 : Number 6 : Page 0 : Jun 1968

This issue marks the end of the first year of publication of JPO. We will return after the Summer and, in September, we will begin to publish monthly, 12 issues a year instead of 10. What have we plan...


How to Fine-Tune Your Hiring Process

Volume 23 : Number 12 : Page 0 : Dec 1989

Are you tired of running expensive help wanted ads in the newspaper and getting calls or resumes from unqualified applicants? Do you have employees on your team who have poor attitudes or lack the ski...


What Hiring Questions Should You Ask?

Volume 35 : Number 2 : Page 89 : Feb 2001

Did you ever reach the point in a job interview when you needed to extract crucial information, but didn't know how to ask the right ques­tion? Worse yet, did you ask it in such a way that could lead ...



A Master Clinician

Volume 46 : Number 6 : Page 325 : Jun 2012

Throughout the nearly half-century of JCO's history, our interviews of leading orthodontists from around the world have been among our most popular articles. Such orthodontic luminaries as Charles Twe...



The Challenge of Presurgical Orthodontics

Volume 44 : Number 3 : Page 137 : Mar 2010

The paired subjects of orthognathic surgery and surgical orthodontics routinely elicit both excitement and frustration among many clinicians. Combining oral surgery with orthodontic treatment allows u...

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