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Search Results For: 'case report'



Management of an Unerupted Canine Associated with a Central Giant Cell Granuloma

Volume 37 : Number 2 : Page 75 : Feb 2003

This case report describes the successful management of a central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) and an associated displacement of a maxillary canine. Surgical Treatment A 12-year-old female initially pr...



Treatment of Open-Bite Tendency with a Miniscrew-Supported Transpalatal Arch and Myofunctional Exercises

Volume 55 : Number 5 : Page 210501 : May 2021

This is the first in an online series of case reports from the three finalists for the 2021 JCO Student of the Year Award. Dr. Gross describes her successful treatment of an anterior open bite with dental protrusion and severe crowding.



Management of Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia with a High Condylectomy, Skeletal Anchorage, and a CAD/CAM Alloplast

Volume 47 : Number 6 : Page 365 : Jun 2013

Unilateral mandibular condylar hyperplasia is a self-limiting, pathological condition causing excessive growth of the affected condyle and significant dentofacial asymmetry, with unfavorable effects o...



Three-Dimensional Treatment Planning and Management of an Asymmetrical Skeletal Class III Malocclusion and Open Bite

Volume 48 : Number 1 : Page 0 : Jan 2014

The combination of an open bite with an asymmetrical skeletal Class III malocclusion poses a significant challenge to the orthodontist. Patients with dentofacial deformities often require an interdisc...



Lower First-Molar Extractions and Directional Forces in High-Angle Class III Treatment

Volume 51 : Number 10 : Page 667 : Oct 2017

A young patient with a skeletal Class III malocclusion was successfully treated without surgery after extraction of the lower first molars. Precise mechanics are recommended to achieve optimal force control and long-term stability in such cases.



Orthodontic Management of a Dilacerated Maxillary Central Incisor with an Unusual Sequela

Volume 32 : Number 5 : Page 293 : May 1998

A dilaceration is a deformity of a tooth due to a disturbance between the unmineralized and mineralized portions of a developing tooth germ.1 The dilaceration, which can occur in either the crown or t...



Orthodontic Traction of a Permanent Canine Through a Secondary Bone Graft in a Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patient

Volume 32 : Number 7 : Page 417 : Jul 1998

The treatment protocol for patients with complete unilateral clefts of the lip and palate1 (UCLP) in our center at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, includes cheiloplasty, performed after the age o...



Sequential Headgear Therapy with a Conventional Facebow and a Modified Asher Facebow

Volume 34 : Number 4 : Page 239 : Apr 2000

High-pull headgear is often used in the treatment of dolichofacial Class II patients because of a force system that can be described as follows: The center of resistance of the first molar is located ...



Orthodontics and Implant Therapy to Replace a Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisor

Volume 38 : Number 10 : Page 563 : Oct 2004

Osseointegrated implants have been successfully used as alternatives to bridges for replacement of congenitally missing teeth.1-11 Although normal and stable papillae are difficult to obtain between a...



Correction of Anterior Open Bite Using Maxillary Third Molar Anchorage

Volume 43 : Number 12 : Page 0 : Dec 2009

The use of skeletal anchorage in orthodontic treatment has increased exponentially in recent years. One advantage of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) is that they apply orthodontic force without dis...



Management of a Transmigrant Lower Canine without Skeletal Anchorage in a Growing Class II Patient

Volume 57 : Number 9 : Page 537 : Sep 2023

Forced eruption of a transmigrant ectopic canine is performed using a lower lingual holding arch with a cantilever arm. The closed elastic traction is activated distally and labially, away from the roots of the lower incisors, to avoid resorption.



Guided Eruption of Multiple Impacted Teeth Using a Modified Miniplate

Volume 49 : Number 4 : Page 273 : Apr 2015

The etiology of impaction is multifactorial1; causes may include genetic predisposition, mesiodens or multiple supernumerary teeth in the anterior maxillary region,2,3 odontogenic tumors such as odont...



Combining Skeletal Anchorage and Intermaxillary Elastics in Class II Treatment

Volume 52 : Number 4 : Page 227 : Apr 2018

Drs. Manni, Lupini, and Cozzani describe an innovative combination of Class II elastics and temporary anchorage devices. Their treatment takes advantage of the versatility of intermaxillary elastics in producing reliable sagittal and extrusive forces, while avoiding the side effects associated with anchorage loss.



Occlusal-Plane Control in a Hyperdivergent Adult Class II, Division 2 Patient

Volume 57 : Number 7 : Page 419 : Jul 2022

In this camouflage treatment, the authors achieved clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane with a Forsus appliance and indirect anchorage from three maxillary miniscrews. Lower-incisor proclination was controlled by using negative-torque brackets and adding lingual crown torque to the archwire.



Orthodontic Uprighting of a Horizontally Impacted Mandibular Second Molar with a Cantilever Spring

Volume 58 : Number 2 : Page 121 : Feb 2024

To upright an impacted second molar, a cantilever spring is bent from stainless steel wire and inserted beneath the gingiva, along the distal surface of the adjacent first molar. The activation arms are then connected to lingual and buccal brackets on the first molar.



Correction of Bilateral Class II Malocclusion Using Heat-Activated Nickel Titanium Wires

Volume 50 : Number 1 : Page 41 : Jan 2016

Various extraoral and intraoral fixed appliances have been used in Class II cases to distalize the upper molars without extractions. The main disadvantage of these appliances is anchorage loss, which may cause mesial tipping of the anterior teeth unless skeletal anchorage is added. There is also some controversy regarding the effectiveness of distalizing appliances once the second and third molars have erupted. This case report describes the use of heat-activated nickel titanium wires for molar distalization, referred to as the Loca-System, to correct a Class II malocclusion with skeletal asymmetry.



Upper Canine Extrusion Using Temporary Anchorage Devices and Clear Aligners

Volume 57 : Number 1 : Page 63 : Jan 2023

This adult patient presented with an ectopic upper left canine and an impacted upper right canine. After traction of the impacted canine with a cantilever spring and miniscrew anchorage, the case is completed with two stages of clear aligner therapy.



Extraction of a Lower Incisor for Orthodontic Decompensation of a Skeletal Class II Deformity

Volume 57 : Number 12 : Page 724 : Dec 2023

The traditional extraction pattern for skeletal Class II patients involves upper second and lower first premolars. This report shows how the extraction of a single lower incisor can shorten presurgical treatment while avoiding supraeruption of the upper second molars.



Forced Eruption of an Impacted Third Molar Using a Bracket-Head Miniscrew

Volume 44 : Number 5 : Page 313 : May 2010

The frequency of second-molar impaction is reportedly only .08% in the maxilla and .01% in the mandible.1 When a second molar requires extraction because of ankylosis or unfavorable positioning, the t...



Correction of Bimaxillary Protrusion after Extraction of Hopeless Mandibular Posterior Teeth and Molar Protraction

Volume 51 : Number 6 : Page 353 : Jun 2017

This case of an adult patient with bimaxillary protrusion is complicated by the need to extract posterior teeth due to extensive caries. Skeletally anchored molar protraction allows asymmetrical mechanics to be used for extraction space closure, making the authors’ technique a potential alternative to prosthetic restoration of the edentulous areas.

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