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Search Results For: 'case report'



Micro-Osteoperforation as an Adjunct for the Correction of Negative Anterior Overjet in an Adolescent Patient with Missing Upper Lateral Incisors

Volume 51 : Number 1 : Page 0 : Jan 2017

Congenitally missing upper lateral incisors are among the most common tooth-agenesis abnormalities.1 Treatment options generally involve space opening for implants or fixed bridges2,3 or space closure...



Uprighting an Impacted Lower Canine with Miniscrew Anchorage in a Severely Oligodontic Patient

Volume 55 : Number 4 : Page 237 : Apr 2021

A hybrid tooth- and boneborne appliance is used with anchorage from an obliquely inserted miniscrew to treat a patient with the congenital absence of most permanent teeth. Prosthetic restoration is performed using a nylon-based denture material in both arches.



En-Masse Retraction of the Mandibular Arch with Skeletal Anchorage in the Buccal Shelf

Volume 56 : Number 10 : Page 597 : Oct 2022

Bodily distalization of the mandibular arch is achieved with miniscrew anchorage in nonsurgical, nonextraction treatment of this skeletal Class III malocclusion. Passive self-ligating brackets allow lighter forces to be applied for sliding mechanics, and intermaxillary elastics are not required.



Non-Surgical Treatment of an Adult Skeletal Class III Patient with Insufficient Incisor Display

Volume 39 : Number 9 : Page 515 : Sep 2005

Improving an insufficient incisor display is essential inbuilding an attractive smile. It becomes particularly critical in Class III patients who lack upper lip support because of a deficient maxilla....



An Alternative Method for Correcting Unilateral Posterior Crossbite with Functional Shift in an Adolescent Patient

Volume 49 : Number 8 : Page 525 : Aug 2015

Unilateral posterior crossbite (UPC) is frequently observed in children, with an incidence ranging from 8.7% to 23.3%.1 An associated functional shift of the mandible appears in 80% of the patients wi...



"Surgery First" Maxillary Segmental and Mandibular Osteotomies with Invisalign Therapy

Volume 56 : Number 2 : Page 89 : Feb 2022

In this case, orthognathic surgery involving a three-piece Le Fort I segmental osteotomy and a bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with mandibular advancement is followed by seven months of orthodontic clear aligner therapy and a short phase of fixed appliances.



Orthodontic Management after Unilateral Extraction of a Compound Odontoma and an Impacted Canine

Volume 57 : Number 2 : Page 101 : Feb 2023

In this case, an impacted upper canine is removed along with a compound odontoma consisting of nine denticles, and the adjacent first premolar is substituted for the canine. A single lower first premolar is extracted to help decrowd the lower arch.



Class II Correction in an Adult High-Angle Patient Using Low-Friction Mechanics and Skeletal Anchorage

Volume 51 : Number 7 : Page 419 : Jul 2017

A nonextraction approach is demonstrated in an adult high-angle patient with a skeletal Class malocclusion and severe crowding. By using low-friction, passive self-ligating brackets and bilateral temporary anchorage devices over 18 months of treatment, the authors are able to avoid any surgical intervention other than an advancement genioplasty.



Compensatory Retreatment of an Adult Class II Deep-Bite Patient

Volume 49 : Number 6 : Page 391 : Jun 2015

When an adult patient presents for retreatment of a moderate skeletal Class II malocclusion and deep bite, both dental and facial characteristics must be carefully evaluated and weighed along with the...



A Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment of Multiple-Tooth Agenesis, Retention, and Impaction

Volume 57 : Number 12 : Page 20231201 : Dec 2023

The authors discuss multidisciplinary treatment of a complex case involving multiple-tooth agenesis, retention, and impaction. The patient required extractions and germectomies, as well as cosmetic recontouring for tooth substitutions after orthodontic space closure.



Anterior Open-Bite Correction with Miniscrew Anchorage and a Combination of Upper Lingual and Lower Labial Appliances

Volume 51 : Number 11 : Page 719 : Nov 2017

This report illustrates how anterior open bite can be corrected in a Class II case by combining upper lingual and lower labial brackets with miniscrew anchorage to achieve intrusion of the maxillary posterior teeth and consequent counterclockwise mandibular rotation.



Nonsurgical Management of a Severe Atypical Class II Using Miniscrew Anchorage, Transpalatal Arch, and Intrusion Arch

Volume 57 : Number 4 : Page 237 : Apr 2023

Dr. Venugopal and colleagues highlight orthodontic mechanics for simultaneous incisor retraction and intrusion in a high-angle patient with a protrusive profile. Skeletal anchorage is employed for vertical control during retraction of both arches, followed by placement of a maxillary intrusion arch.



Management of a Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst with an Odontoma During Treatment of a Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion

Volume 56 : Number 7 : Page 20220701 : Jul 2022

This report shows a nongrowing patient with a full-step Class II molar relationship in whom extraction of the upper first premolars was followed by camouflage therapy using temporary anchorage devices. Development of a calcifying odontogenic cyst with an odontoma further complicated treatment.



Class II Correction with Carriere Motion 3D Appliance and Clear Aligner Therapy

Volume 56 : Number 3 : Page 187 : Mar 2022

The Carriere Motion 3D can be used to establish a Class I dental relationship before proceeding with full orthodontic treatment. This Class II case was completed with only four months of the Carriere Motion and intermaxillary elastics, followed by eight months of clear aligners.



Interdisciplinary Treatment of a Severely Displaced Mandibular Canine: A Long-Term Follow-Up

Volume 46 : Number 11 : Page 687 : Nov 2012

Impacted canines are less prevalent in the mandible than in the maxilla,1,2 and impacted mandibular canines that have migrated to the opposite side of the midline (transmigration) are even more rare.3...



Surgical Luxation and Orthodontic Traction of an Ankylosed Upper First Molar

Volume 50 : Number 5 : Page 0 : May 2016

Dental ankylosis is a cellular change in the periodontal ligament that results in continuity or fusion between the alveolar bone and cementum, making it impossible for a tooth to erupt completely. It is identified clinically by the failure of a tooth to erupt through the oral epithelium, by incomplete eruption, or by a lack of vertical movement compared with the adjacent teeth and the alveolar bone. Although ankylosis is more common in the primary dentition, it may also affect the permanent teeth, typically the molars. Bone defects are often associated, especially when ankylosis occurs during active vertical growth of the maxilla.



An Effective Approach to Correcting Anterior Crossbite in a Class III Patient

Volume 54 : Number 11 : Page 705 : Nov 2020

When early treatment is impossible, permanent teeth can be moved to compensate for a skeletal Class III discrepancy and anterior crossbite. The authors demonstrate the use of a 2 × 4 appliance and acrylic biteplane to correct a late-diagnosed skeletal Class III malocclusion.



Treatment of Mandibular Alveolar Prognathism by a Lower Anterior Subapical Osteotomy

Volume 32 : Number 12 : Page 747 : Dec 1998

Mandibular alveolar prognathism is often treated by orthodontic treatment without accompanying surgery, in cases where the malocclusion and protrusive profile are not severe enough to warrant sagittal...



Orthodontic Management of Asymmetry after Surgical Removal of a Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor of the Mandible

Volume 54 : Number 8 : Page 473 : Aug 2020

This adult patient presented with a recurring cyst that had resulted in a severe asymmetrical occlusal deformity. Treatment involving rapid maxillary expansion, followed by asymmetrical orthodontic mechanics with intermaxillary elastics, achieves a functional occlusion and esthetic result.



Hemisection of an Ankylosed Lower Second Deciduous Molar for Orthodontic Closure of a Congenitally Missing Second-Premolar Space

Volume 58 : Number 6 : Page 367 : Jun 2024

In a patient with a missing lower second premolar, the distal half of an ankylosed second deciduous molar is removed to enable mesial drift of the first permanent molar. The mesial half of the tooth is later extracted to allow further mesialization of the first molar using Class II elastics.

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