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Search Results For: 'pearl'



Something Old, Something New

Volume 48 : Number 11 : Page 673 : Nov 2014

A senior colleague once told me that if you ever think you have discovered something new in orthodontics, you should look a little deeper into the international literature from 75-100 years ago. You m...



Second-Molar Crossbite Correction with a Hairpin-Spring Appliance

Volume 50 : Number 5 : Page 0 : May 2016

Lower second molars commonly erupt into a lingual crossbite or "scissor bite". Traditional treatment involves banding or bonding a lingual attachment and running crossbite elastics to the upper second molars, but that method is cumbersome and dependent on patient compliance. This month's Pearl describes a hairpin-spring appliance that can efficiently correct a second-molar crossbite without the need for brackets or elastics.



In-Office Fabrication of a Flipper

Volume 50 : Number 8 : Page 0 : Aug 2016

Upper lateral-incisor agenesis occurs in the permanent dentition in .8-2% of the population.1 Preservation of an edentulous lateral-incisor space after orthodontic treatment, in anticipation of a perm...



A Modified Retainer for Class II or III Functional and Surgical Patients

Volume 51 : Number 4 : Page 229 : Apr 2017

Retainers that control anteroposterior correction after orthodontic treatment, such as a bionator or Damon* splint, are often challenging for patients to wear because they restrict mobility. This Pear...



50 Weeks to Our 50th

Volume 51 : Number 5 : Page 257 : May 2017

Like almost every U.S. orthodontist, JCO maintains a Facebook page as one means of connecting with its customer base—in your case, patients; in ours, readers. The format doesn’t necessarily lend itself to dispensing clinical information, although we have recently begun posting helpful videos related to our published Pearls. We tend to get the most likes and shares from our monthly profiles of finalists for the Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year Award (the most recent winner was announced in the March 2017 issue), no doubt because of these students’ extended networks of relatives and colleagues. But the 50th-anniversary year of the journal has brought us an opportunity for a new and unique Facebook venture.



The 20th JCO Orthodontic Practice Study

Volume 53 : Number 10 : Page 567 : Oct 2019

The year 1981 was a rather momentous year for me, both personally and professionally. My younger son—the second of my four children—was born, I graduated from dental school, and I began my clinical ca...



Efficient Correction of a Rotated Premolar with an Occlusal Tube

Volume 54 : Number 9 : Page 559 : Sep 2020

This simple alternative to buccal and lingual buttons and elastic chains involves placing a molar tube on the occlusal surface of the rotated premolar and inserting a continuous nickel titanium archwire. Procedures for placement and removal are described.



Flexible Bite Turbos for Lingual Appliances

Volume 54 : Number 10 : Page 631 : Oct 2020

This Pearl shows how to make temporary anterior bite turbos from a light-cured composite resin with high elasticity, which can be applied directly over the brackets to prevent occlusal interference. The technique is especially useful with customized lingual appliances such as InBrace.



Lateral Incisor Bracket Positioning for Phase I Treatment

Volume 55 : Number 4 : Page 227 : Apr 2021

This month’s Pearl shows how to modify bracket positioning on the upper lateral incisors during Phase I treatment to avoid premature distal root tip in the path of the erupting canines, thus preventing the development of an unsightly midline diastema.



The Orthodontist and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Volume 56 : Number 1 : Page 8 : Jan 2022

Over the past quarter-century or so, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment has become a more and more integral part of routine orthodontic practice. Prior to that, little was mentioned about sleep d...



Lingual Frenulectomy with a Diode Laser

Volume 56 : Number 1 : Page 59 : Jan 2022

Dr. Neal Kravitz illustrates a simple procedure for releasing a tongue tie with a Spectralase 980 (includes a video demonstration). The controversial role of tongue ties in relation to pediatric OSA is also discussed.



Invisalign Transparency

Volume 56 : Number 8 : Page 446 : Aug 2022

As the new Editor-in-Chief, I am frequently asked about my vision for JCO moving forward. Perhaps the most notable change with regard to content will be an increase in case reports and technique artic...



Do You Know Your Customers?

Volume 25 : Number 7 : Page 0 : Jul 1991

Do You Know Your Customers?Editorialists have traditionally used space like this to offer advice to readers. In this issue I would like to reverse that strategy and ask for some advice that will help ...



JCO's Online Archive

Volume 37 : Number 1 : Page 7 : Jan 2003

This month, JCO becomes the only orthodontic journal in the world (of those that have been in existence for more than a decade) to place its entire archive online. Every issue of JCO ever published--m...



Good Things Come in Small Packages

Volume 46 : Number 1 : Page 9 : Jan 2012

My predecessor as Editor of JCO, Dr. Larry W. White, a good friend and one of my personal heroes, used to give a presentation to orthodontic organizations entitled something like "The Best Ideas I've ...



Restorative Materials in Orthodontics

Volume 50 : Number 6 : Page 0 : Jun 2016

Like most senior orthodontists, I've attended hundreds of lectures on both orthodontics and dentistry as a whole. I have always taken a special personal interest in lectures involving interdisciplinary treatment - cases requiring the services of multiple specialists, with the restorative dentist finally establishing an optimum result. The late Dr. Vincent Kokich was perhaps my favorite speaker on this topic. Among his many professional and personal talents, he had an extraordinary ability to see the big picture in complex cases and to provide exemplary orthodontic care as part of a multidisciplinary team. In the last presentation I attended by Dr. Kokich before his untimely death in 2013, he opened with a statement that will always stick with me: that of all of the things he had accomplished in his professional life, he was most proud of having become a dentist. This probably explains why Vince was one of the best interdisciplinary orthodontists I have known.



A Segmental Molar Uprighting Technique

Volume 55 : Number 2 : Page 131 : Feb 2021

Several force vectors are required to upright a horizontally impacted lower second molar. In this Pearl, a twin bracket is bonded to the impacted tooth, and a sectional nickel titanium wire is inserted to successively apply forces from different directions.


The Modified Bluegrass Appliance

Volume 34 : Number 9 : Page 535 : Sep 2000

Studies have shown that a sucking habit can have an adverse effect on the normal pattern and direction of growth. Because the tongue must be positioned low in the mouth, under the thumb, nipple, or pa...



The Modified Bluegrass Appliance

Volume 34 : Number 10 : Page 621 : Oct 2001

As a British librarian currently undertaking a review of the literature of fixed intraoral habit appliances used for the treatment of childhood digit habits, I was disconcerted to read Chris Baker's a...



A Modified Monobloc for Treatment of Young Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Volume 38 : Number 4 : Page 241 : Apr 2004

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common chronic disorder of sleep and breathing characterized by intermittent upper airway obstruction during sleep.1 It has a number of harmful effects, including ex...

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