THE EDITOR'S CORNERThe Long Journey HomeNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSHomer’s The Odyssey is considered to be the world’s first novel. This epic poem, written around the 8th century BCE, tells the story of King Odysseus’s tumultuous 10-year journey home following the 10... |
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ALIGNER CORNERA Hybrid Approach to Clear Aligner Therapy in Lower-Incisor Extraction CasesLUCA LOMBARDO DDS, FILIPPO PEPE DDS, ANTONELLA CARLUCCI DDS, FRANCESCA CREMONINI DDSDrs. Lombardo, Pepe, Carlucci, and Cremonini present an approach in which bonded lingual buttons and archwire segments are used to correct severe lower anterior crowding in conjunction with clear aligner treatment. The case shown here was completed in only six months. |
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An Efficient Palatal Approach for Correction of Unilateral Skeletal Crossbite and Anterior Open BiteSINA BANANKHAH DDS, MDentSc, FLAVIO URIBE DDS, MDentScThis unilateral mini-implant-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE), as described by Drs. Banankhah and Uribe, has an attached tongue crib for open-bite treatment. Palatal temporary anchorage devices are placed on the non-crossbite side to help achieve unilateral skeletal expansion. |
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CASE REPORTTraction of a Dilacerated Lower First Permanent Molar Using Skeletal AnchorageJEISSY KALLI PRATI DA SILVA DDS, CARLOS LÚCIO ANTUNES DDS, MS, MIKE DOS REIS BUENO DDS, MS, PhD, VINICIUS CANAVARROS PALMA DDS, PhD, LUIZ EVARISTO RICCI VOLPATO DDS, PhDThis case shows forced eruption of an impacted lower first molar with dilacerated roots using light elastics anchored by a miniplate in the opposing arch. Fixed appliances were placed to finish the case; 10-year follow-up records confirm the stability of the results. |
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PEARLSA New Device for Erupting Impacted CaninesGRANT G. COLEMAN DMD, MSThis simple Isoglide eruption spring applies a light, continuous traction force to an impacted canine without the need for reactivation. As Dr. Coleman illustrates, it can bring the canine into the arch within one or two appointments. |
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DIGITAL ORTHO LABBoneborne Rapid Palatal Expansion—the Virtual WayBJÖRN LUDWIG DMD, MS, PhD, ADITH VENUGOPAL BDS, MS, PhD, DIRK WIECHMANN BDS, MS, PhD, RAVINDRA NANDA BDS, MDS, PhDIn a new JCO feature, Drs. Ludwig, Venugopal, Wiechmann, and Nanda outline the procedure for computer-aided design and manufacturing of a boneborne palatal expander. An online video demonstrates the technique, and a link is provided to download an accompanying STL file. |
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MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGQualitative Assessment of Marketing Effectiveness in Orthodontic PracticesMINYI HSIAO DDS, MBA, RICHARD M. STEVENS DMD, MBA, KISHORE CHAUDHRY MBBS, MD, DNB, CHRISTOPHER S. RODGERS DBAA nationwide survey tabulates orthodontists’ marketing activities in an effort to develop metrics for tracking optimum results. Gross revenue, case starts, and conversion rates are cross-referenced with various marketing procedures, and the philosophies of millennial doctors are compared with those of non-millennials. |
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Product News in April 2022 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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CASE REPORTOrthodontic Movement into a Bone Defect Augmented with a Heterologous GraftROBERTO PERASSO MD, DDS, MONICA IMELIO DDS, MATTEO SCHIAFFINO DDSBony defects can present challenges in the orthodontic treatment of adult patients.1,2 Some studies have indicated that orthodontic movement into an intraosseous defect has no beneficial effect on tis... |
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Homer’s The Odyssey is considered to be the world’s first novel. This epic poem, written around the 8th century BCE, tells the story of King Odysseus’s tumultuous 10-year journey home following the 10...
Drs. Lombardo, Pepe, Carlucci, and Cremonini present an approach in which bonded lingual buttons and archwire segments are used to correct severe lower anterior crowding in conjunction with clear aligner treatment. The case shown here was completed in only six months.
This unilateral mini-implant-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE), as described by Drs. Banankhah and Uribe, has an attached tongue crib for open-bite treatment. Palatal temporary anchorage devices are placed on the non-crossbite side to help achieve unilateral skeletal expansion.
This case shows forced eruption of an impacted lower first molar with dilacerated roots using light elastics anchored by a miniplate in the opposing arch. Fixed appliances were placed to finish the case; 10-year follow-up records confirm the stability of the results.
This simple Isoglide eruption spring applies a light, continuous traction force to an impacted canine without the need for reactivation. As Dr. Coleman illustrates, it can bring the canine into the arch within one or two appointments.
In a new JCO feature, Drs. Ludwig, Venugopal, Wiechmann, and Nanda outline the procedure for computer-aided design and manufacturing of a boneborne palatal expander. An online video demonstrates the technique, and a link is provided to download an accompanying STL file.
A nationwide survey tabulates orthodontists’ marketing activities in an effort to develop metrics for tracking optimum results. Gross revenue, case starts, and conversion rates are cross-referenced with various marketing procedures, and the philosophies of millennial doctors are compared with those of non-millennials.
PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
Bony defects can present challenges in the orthodontic treatment of adult patients.1,2 Some studies have indicated that orthodontic movement into an intraosseous defect has no beneficial effect on tis...
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