THE EDITOR'S CORNERHorses, Not ZebrasNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MS“When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras,” is a popular clinical aphorism coined in the 1940s by Dr. Theodore Woodward, a renowned researcher and chairman at the University of Maryland Me... |
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Direct-Printed Aligners: A Clinical Status ReportBJÖRN LUDWIG DMD, MSD, PhD, KENJI OJIMA DMD, JONAS Q. SCHMID DMD, VANESSA KNODE DMD, RAVINDRA NANDA BDS, MDS, PhDDrs. Ludwig, Ojima, Schmid, Knode, and Nanda present an overview of the clinical uses and material properties of aligners three-dimensionally printed from Graphy’s Tera Harz TC-85 resin; a detailed workflow for in-house fabrication follows. |
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Biomechanics of Severe Open-Bite Treatment with Temporary Anchorage DevicesNILOUFAR AZAMI DDS, MDentSc, REHANA BASHIR BDS, MDS, ANTHONY SCHIRO DDS, MDentSc, FLAVIO URIBE DDS, MDentScIn this article, Drs. Azami, Bashir, Schiro, and Uribe outline the biomechanics involved in correcting a severe open bite and describe the design of a TAD-supported palatal appliance that uses hooks for precise, multidirectional force application. |
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Clinical Consequences of Splint-Induced MalocclusionsCHARLES S. GREENE DDS, ALEX DITMAROV DDSDrs. Greene and Ditmarov review the historical beliefs behind splint therapy in TMD treatment, recount several cases of iatrogenic changes caused by improper splint use, and discuss current evidence-based protocols for managing TMD with oral appliances. |
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PEARLSAn Alternative for Placing Drop-In Hooks in Bracket Systems with Vertical SlotsSUMEDH DESHPANDE BDS, MDSIn this Pearl, Dr. Deshpande introduces a chairside method of bending simple, economical hooks that can be used in brackets with vertical slots, eliminating reliance on costly manufacturer-provided drop-in hooks. |
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DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE #1Part 1ALIYYAH HAMIDUDDIN BDS, MS, STEPHEN WARUNEK DDS, MSThe first installment of a new JCO department, where we present the initial records for a case and ask how it should be treated. A full discussion of how the case was treated will come in next month's issue. |
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JCO INTERVIEWSDr. Bill Layman on Corporate Orthodontics Part 3NEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MS, BILL LAYMAN DMD, MBADr. Layman has a unique perspective on the recent emergence of corporate orthodontics, having completed a Master of Business Administration degree at the University of Pennsylvania. In the final installment of this three-part interview, he explores private equity’s impact on the future of orthodontics. |
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CASE REPORTAutotransplantation of a Transmigrated Lower Canine in a Growing PatientLUCA LOMBARDO DDS, PAWEL PLAKWICZ PhD, DDS, RCS, EWA CZOCHROWSKA DDS, PhD, FRANCESCA CREMONINI DDSDrs. Lombardo, Plakwicz, Czochrowska, and Cremonini describe the transalveolar autotransplantation of a developing impacted lower canine that had transmigrated across the midline in a young patient, as well as the orthodontic traction of the impacted contralateral canine. |
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Continuing Education in the November 2024 Issue (questions only)Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. When you are ready, go here to take the quiz. |
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Product News in the November 2024 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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CASE REPORTTreatment of a Brodie Bite in an Adolescent PatientCAROL WEINSTEIN DDS, MACIEJ JEDLIŃSKI DDS, DANIESKA FERNANDEZ DDS, JOANNA JANISZEWSKA-OLSZOWSKA DDS, MD, PATRICIA VERGARA DDS, JOYCE BELFUS DDSIn this case report, Drs. Weinstein, Jedliński, Fernandez, Janiszewska-Olszowska, Vergara, and Belfus review the appropriate mechanics for addressing different types of Brodie bites and present the treatment of a 15-year-old female patient with miniscrews placed in the palate and buccal shelf. |
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“When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras,” is a popular clinical aphorism coined in the 1940s by Dr. Theodore Woodward, a renowned researcher and chairman at the University of Maryland Me...
Drs. Ludwig, Ojima, Schmid, Knode, and Nanda present an overview of the clinical uses and material properties of aligners three-dimensionally printed from Graphy’s Tera Harz TC-85 resin; a detailed workflow for in-house fabrication follows.
In this article, Drs. Azami, Bashir, Schiro, and Uribe outline the biomechanics involved in correcting a severe open bite and describe the design of a TAD-supported palatal appliance that uses hooks for precise, multidirectional force application.
Drs. Greene and Ditmarov review the historical beliefs behind splint therapy in TMD treatment, recount several cases of iatrogenic changes caused by improper splint use, and discuss current evidence-based protocols for managing TMD with oral appliances.
In this Pearl, Dr. Deshpande introduces a chairside method of bending simple, economical hooks that can be used in brackets with vertical slots, eliminating reliance on costly manufacturer-provided drop-in hooks.
The first installment of a new JCO department, where we present the initial records for a case and ask how it should be treated. A full discussion of how the case was treated will come in next month's issue.
Dr. Layman has a unique perspective on the recent emergence of corporate orthodontics, having completed a Master of Business Administration degree at the University of Pennsylvania. In the final installment of this three-part interview, he explores private equity’s impact on the future of orthodontics.
Drs. Lombardo, Plakwicz, Czochrowska, and Cremonini describe the transalveolar autotransplantation of a developing impacted lower canine that had transmigrated across the midline in a young patient, as well as the orthodontic traction of the impacted contralateral canine.
Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. When you are ready, go here to take the quiz.
PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
In this case report, Drs. Weinstein, Jedliński, Fernandez, Janiszewska-Olszowska, Vergara, and Belfus review the appropriate mechanics for addressing different types of Brodie bites and present the treatment of a 15-year-old female patient with miniscrews placed in the palate and buccal shelf.
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