THE EDITOR'S CORNERCalculating CrowdingNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSDental crowding is a tooth-size/arch-length discrepancy. Specifically, dental crowding is defined as the difference between the mesiodistal widths of the permanent teeth and the space available in the... |
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Fully Digital Design and Fabrication of a Telescoping Herbst ApplianceANTONIO MANNI DDS, ALESSANDRA CAMPOBASSO DDS, FABIO ANNARUMMA DDS, PhD, FABIO ARNÒ, GIOVANNI BATTISTA DDSThe Manni Telescoping Herbst consists of a fixed palatal arch connected to a mandibular acrylic splint by means of two telescoping rods. Dr. Manni and colleagues outline a completely digital protocol for computer-aided design and 3D printing of the appliance. |
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CASE REPORTCentral-Incisor Substitution for Management of an Impacted Upper CanineBIANCA LAU DDS, MSDDr. Bianca Lau, winner of the 2023 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year award, presents a difficult case involving an ectopically erupting canine. Three premolars and a hopeless central incisor are extracted, and the impacted canine is moved into the incisor space. |
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MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGLeadership: ActionANN MARIE GORCZYCA DMD, MPH, MSThis chapter is excerpted from Dr. Gorczyca’s new book, One Team, One Score: Leadership and Teamwork for a Successful Dental Practice. Topics include advance planning, cash flow, collections vs. production, controlled spending, and 10 acts of exceptional leaders. |
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ALIGNER CORNEROutcomes Associated with 3M Clarity AlignersMAHDI TAEBI-HARANDY DDS, MDSc, SHIVAM MEHTA DDS, MDS, MDSc, EMMA WARREN DDS, JONNY FELDMAN DDS, MS, SUMIT YADAV BDS, MDS, PhD, MBADrs. Taebi-Harandy and colleagues report the results of a retrospective study designed to evaluate the accuracy of horizontal, rotational, transverse, and vertical movements achieved with Clarity aligners. Recommendations for the virtual setup are included. |
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Classification of Temporary Anchorage Devices in OrthodonticsNICOLA DERTON DDS, MS, FRANCESCA CREMONINI DDS, NIKI ARVEDA DDS, MS, LUCA LOMBARDO DDS, MS, MARIO PALONE DDS, MSThe authors propose a system for identifying the means of placement and precise locations of miniscrews. Guided TADs are positioned using surgical guides; unguided TADs are inserted freehand. Insertion sites are further subdivided into maxillary and mandibular areas. |
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Continuing Education from June 2023 Issue (questions only)Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen. |
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PEARLSIndirect Rebonding Transfer Tray Following Magnetic Resonance ImagingPAOLO ALBERTINI DDS, ENRICO ALBERTINI DDS, LUDOVICA ZUCCHINI DDS, LORENZO GRANDI, LUCA LOMBARDO DDSWhen a patient needs to have fixed appliances removed for an MRI, a single intraoral scan can be used to produce both a temporary Essex retainer and an indirect transfer tray, allowing the brackets to be replaced in the same positions. |
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BOOK REVIEWSOrthodontic Treatment of Impacted TeethALEX DITMAROV DDSADRIAN BECKER, BDS, LDS RCS, DDO RCPS4th edition. 544 pages, 1,000+ illustrations. $215.95. 2022.Wiley Blackwell, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875.(800) 225-5945; Prof. Adrian Becker i... |
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Product News in June 2023 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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CASE REPORTEarly Management of an Edge-to-Edge Incisor OcclusionHOUDA NEANI DDS, FATIMA ZAOUI DDS, MOHAMED FAOUZI AZAROUAL DDSInterception of an edge-to-edge incisor relationship in the mixed dentition can prevent the development of many dental and skeletal abnormalities. This young patient benefited from a short course of orthodontic treatment that avoided the need for surgery while preserving the permanent dentition. |
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Dental crowding is a tooth-size/arch-length discrepancy. Specifically, dental crowding is defined as the difference between the mesiodistal widths of the permanent teeth and the space available in the...
The Manni Telescoping Herbst consists of a fixed palatal arch connected to a mandibular acrylic splint by means of two telescoping rods. Dr. Manni and colleagues outline a completely digital protocol for computer-aided design and 3D printing of the appliance.
Dr. Bianca Lau, winner of the 2023 Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year award, presents a difficult case involving an ectopically erupting canine. Three premolars and a hopeless central incisor are extracted, and the impacted canine is moved into the incisor space.
This chapter is excerpted from Dr. Gorczyca’s new book, One Team, One Score: Leadership and Teamwork for a Successful Dental Practice. Topics include advance planning, cash flow, collections vs. production, controlled spending, and 10 acts of exceptional leaders.
Drs. Taebi-Harandy and colleagues report the results of a retrospective study designed to evaluate the accuracy of horizontal, rotational, transverse, and vertical movements achieved with Clarity aligners. Recommendations for the virtual setup are included.
The authors propose a system for identifying the means of placement and precise locations of miniscrews. Guided TADs are positioned using surgical guides; unguided TADs are inserted freehand. Insertion sites are further subdivided into maxillary and mandibular areas.
Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
When a patient needs to have fixed appliances removed for an MRI, a single intraoral scan can be used to produce both a temporary Essex retainer and an indirect transfer tray, allowing the brackets to be replaced in the same positions.
ADRIAN BECKER, BDS, LDS RCS, DDO RCPS4th edition. 544 pages, 1,000+ illustrations. $215.95. 2022.Wiley Blackwell, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875.(800) 225-5945; Prof. Adrian Becker i...
PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
Interception of an edge-to-edge incisor relationship in the mixed dentition can prevent the development of many dental and skeletal abnormalities. This young patient benefited from a short course of orthodontic treatment that avoided the need for surgery while preserving the permanent dentition.
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