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New Online Features for JCO Subscribers

This month, I want to turn over the podium to three other JCO editors, who will describe new online initiatives available to subscribers through our website.


Online Bonus Articles

JCO receives hundreds of article submissions every year, but we have space to print only a few each month. Many worthwhile contributions either are not accepted or have been waiting too long to be published. Beginning this month, we will be publishing bonus articles in our Online Archive.

You’ll find the first online article listed in this month’s table of contents: a Case Report entitled “Management of a Large Dentigerous Cyst in the Mixed Dentition” by Drs. Roberta Lione, Valeria Paoloni, Corrado Agrestini, and Carlotta Danesi from Rome. The authors have agreed to be published online only, so you will not find the article in the printed issue. As soon as the November issue is posted on our website, however, you will be able to link to it through the online table of contents. All JCO subscribers have access to the entire Online Archive, dating back to our founding in 1967, but most of these articles are available only to subscribers. As a thank-you to our authors, every online-only article will be freely accessible to any viewer. The HTML version that you can read on your computer, tablet, or phone will work like any other JCO article. The downloadable PDF will be somewhat streamlined, since there is no print equivalent, but will still contain the entire text and illustrations.

Similar articles from the archive:



Online-only articles will be indexed through PubMed and will appear in our annual index in the December issue, just like printed articles. We hope you find these bonus online contributions to be a useful service to the profession.


Video Pearls

I am excited to announce a new chapter in the development of Pearls at JCO: digital Pearls. As another part of our effort to get more useful content into your hands through our website, we will be posting online-only video Pearls. In fact, if you go to www.jco-online.com right now, you can see the first one listed with the contents of the October 2020 issue: “Lower Molar Bands on Upper Molars in Camouflage Cases.”

A Pearl is meant to be a simple clinical technique that can easily be implemented by a busy practitioner. It should inspire the reader to wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that before?” As the Pearls editor, I’ve greatly enjoyed unearthing these nuggets and bringing them to you. I’ve also found that a Pearl usually works well in combination with a short video demonstrating the technique. Since our website is already equipped to handle video, it makes perfect sense to use it for this purpose. And if you have an idea for a Pearl but don’t have time to write up an article, make a short video and send it to us instead!

We won’t have a digital Pearl accompanying each issue, but we will post new ones periodically. Unlike the online-only articles mentioned above, we will not include them in the printed table of contents, so you’ll need to keep your eye on the contents of recent issues in the Online Archive. We will also update you from time to time through our home page, Facebook page, and printed announcements. I’m delighted to share some great videos with you!

Associate Editor for Pearls


I would like to highlight yet another subscriber benefit on the JCO website: our webinars. These 60-minute sessions with some of the biggest names in our specialty are a great way to get more value out of your JCO subscription. Personally, I find pearls in each session that I’ve been able to integrate into my practice.

JCO webinars are free for all subscribers either to attend live or to watch in recorded versions. Non-subscribers must pay $100 to attend and $80 to watch later. We aim to present five new webinars per year, so the benefits will add up rapidly. If you have not done so already, please head to www.jco-online.com/continuing-education/webinars and check out what’s available (make sure you are logged in to your account first!). There you will find, among others, these great recent sessions:

Non-Surgical Treatment for Gummy Smiles with Dr. Stuart Frost. In this webinar, Dr. Frost reveals how he masterfully treats patients with excessive gingival display. Using temporary anchorage devices (TADs), lasers, and clenching exercises, he creates functional and stunning smiles that were previously possible only with surgical intervention.

Esthetic Steps for Canine-Lateral Substitutions with Dr. Neal Kravitz. Dr. Kravitz has a gift for beautiful finishes of difficult cases. In this webinar, he walks us through his personal best practices for treating lateral substitutions. From case selection to bracket positioning to esthetic finishing tips, Dr. Kravitz provides a road map for implementing his protocols in your practice.

Digitally Guided Indirect Bonding Process with Paul Gange Jr. Have you thought about incorporating indirect bonding into your practice? Mr. Gange provides photos, equipment checklists, and technical advice in this step-by-step guide to setting up an indirect bonding case and delivering it successfully.

Best Practice Protocols for TADs with Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel. TAD placement and stability have been controversial areas of discussion among orthodontists because of high failure rates. Dr. Baumgaertel delves into target site selection, anatomical factors, miniscrew size considerations, indirect vs. direct anchorage, and other topics to help guide your selection and use of TADs.

We’re looking forward to some great speakers and topics next year, and we hope you will join us!

Webinar Editor



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