THE EDITOR'S CORNERThe ABCs of TBCsNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSA traumatic bone cyst (TBC) is a non-neoplastic intraosseous pseudocyst. Essentially, it is a noncancerous bony cavity in the jaw. TBCs are considered pseudocysts due to an absence of an epithelial li... |
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DIGITAL ORTHO LAB3D Metal-Printed RetainersJEAN-MARC RETROUVEY DMD, MSc, NISHANTH DWAYEKATHVA SADHAK DDS, BDS, ERIC CARON DMD, MSc, ERICA KADER DMD, MScDrs. Retrouvey, Sahak, Caron, and Kader report the results of a pilot study assessing patient response to a digitally designed, laser-sintered removable retainer. Design and fabrication are illustrated, and two cases involving orthodontic space opening and maintenance are presented. |
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Noncompliance Treatment of Class II Patients Using a Modified Twin BlockFABIO FEDERICI CANOVA DDS, MS, MATTEO BERETTA DDS, MSDrs. Canova and Beretta describe a new version of the classic Twin Block, called the Twin Bonded Block, in which the four composite bite blocks are bonded to the deciduous teeth. Three mixed-dentition patients are shown as examples. |
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CASE REPORTTwo-Phase Treatment of a Class III with Severe Anterior Open Bite and Hyperdivergent Growth Pattern: A Digital Workflow OptionFRANCESCA CREMONINI DDS, MARIO PALONE DDS, MS, MARGHERITA VIANELLO DDS, DANIELA GUIDUCCI DDS, LUCA LOMBARDO DDS, MSThis case demonstrates a protocol called SKAR III (skeletal Alt-RAMEC for Class III) in a completely digital workflow. Interceptive treatment of a complex Class III hyperdivergent patient is accomplished in two phases, involving rapid palatal expansion followed by miniscrew-anchored expansion and protraction. |
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Effect of the Herbst Appliance on Various Class II MalocclusionsJAMES K. MAH DDS, MSc, DMSc, MARON HIGSON DMD, ERIC C. WU DMD, MBADrs. Mah, Higson, and Wu utilize cone-beam computed tomography in a retrospective study of 42 patients, designed to assess the dental and skeletal effects of the Herbst appliance in Class II treatment. Both cephalometric and airway variables are tabulated and discussed. |
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PEARLSMolar Protraction Tube with Multiple HooksUN-BONG BAIK DDS, PhD, YOON-JI KIM DDS, PhD, JUNG-SUB AN DDS, PhD, HOI-SHING LUK DDS, PhD, NIKHILESH R. VAID BDS, MDS, PhDThe MP-Tube utilizes a long buccal hook with four steps to apply the protraction force closer to the center of resistance of the molars. Specifications of the tube are included, and the technique is demonstrated in a typical case. |
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Continuing Education from March 2023 Issue (questions only)Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen. |
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Product News in March 2023 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGAsk Ann Marie: How Do You Approach the Interview Process for Hiring a New Team Member?ANN MARIE GORCZYCA DMD, MPH, MSDr. Gorczyca breaks down the hiring process into 13 easy steps. In this month’s column, she focuses on the interview process, including lists of useful questions to ask potential candidates, as well as questions that cannot legally be asked. |
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A traumatic bone cyst (TBC) is a non-neoplastic intraosseous pseudocyst. Essentially, it is a noncancerous bony cavity in the jaw. TBCs are considered pseudocysts due to an absence of an epithelial li...
Drs. Retrouvey, Sahak, Caron, and Kader report the results of a pilot study assessing patient response to a digitally designed, laser-sintered removable retainer. Design and fabrication are illustrated, and two cases involving orthodontic space opening and maintenance are presented.
Drs. Canova and Beretta describe a new version of the classic Twin Block, called the Twin Bonded Block, in which the four composite bite blocks are bonded to the deciduous teeth. Three mixed-dentition patients are shown as examples.
This case demonstrates a protocol called SKAR III (skeletal Alt-RAMEC for Class III) in a completely digital workflow. Interceptive treatment of a complex Class III hyperdivergent patient is accomplished in two phases, involving rapid palatal expansion followed by miniscrew-anchored expansion and protraction.
Drs. Mah, Higson, and Wu utilize cone-beam computed tomography in a retrospective study of 42 patients, designed to assess the dental and skeletal effects of the Herbst appliance in Class II treatment. Both cephalometric and airway variables are tabulated and discussed.
The MP-Tube utilizes a long buccal hook with four steps to apply the protraction force closer to the center of resistance of the molars. Specifications of the tube are included, and the technique is demonstrated in a typical case.
Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
Dr. Gorczyca breaks down the hiring process into 13 easy steps. In this month’s column, she focuses on the interview process, including lists of useful questions to ask potential candidates, as well as questions that cannot legally be asked.
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