Product News in January 2023 IssuePRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO. |
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THE EDITOR'S CORNERLook on My Works, Ye Mighty, and DespairNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSThe sonnet “Ozymandias” was published in 1818 by the British poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Ozymandias was the Greek name for the Pharaoh Ramses II, otherwise known as Ramses the Great, the most powerful ... |
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OVERVIEWHybrid Aligner TreatmentNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MS, SHAWN MILLER DMD, MMedSc, S. JAY BOWMAN DMD, MSD, BENEDICT WILMES DDS, MSD, PhDHybrid aligner mechanics utilize the advantages of clear aligners while accounting for their limitations in producing certain tooth movements. Drs. Kravitz, Miller, Bowman, and Wilmes review applications of clear aligners in combination with fixed appliances, laboratory-fabricated devices, and various auxiliaries. |
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Treatment of Complex Interdisciplinary Cases Using a Hybrid Aligner ApproachJAMES CHENG-YI LIN DDS, STACY CHEN DDS, SHIH-JAW TSAI DDS, MS, STEPHEN CHANG DDS, MS, S. JAY BOWMAN DMD, MSDPatients with severe skeletal discrepancies and reduced lower anterior facial height can be challenging to treat with any method. In these two cases, Dr. Lin and colleagues describe an interdisciplinary hybrid aligner protocol for correction of complex facial, dental, and esthetic issues. |
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A Digitally Planned Tandem Skeletal Expander and Hybrid Aligner ApproachANGELA ARREGHINI DDS, MARIO PALONE DDS, B. GIULIANO MAINO MD, DDS, EMANUELE PAOLETTO, LUCA LOMBARDO DDSThis article describes a two-phase approach for treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency in adult patients, involving an initial stage of maxillary expansion with the Tandem Skeletal Expander followed by an orthodontic stage using clear aligner therapy. A typical case is presented. |
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The iMolar System and Clear Aligners in Adult Class II PatientsRICCARDO RIATTI DDS, MS, LUCIA POZZAN DDS, MICHELE CESCHI DDS, MS, LUCA CONTARDO DDS, MSThe iMolar system consists of a base anchored by two palatal miniscrews and attached to nickel titanium wires with crimpable stops. As Dr. Riatti and colleagues show, it can be activated and modified for molar distalization while clear aligners are performing dental alignment. |
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Class III Correction Using Clear Aligners, Sectional Wires, and Miniscrew AnchorageNIKI ARVEDA DDS, ANNA COLONNA DDS, GIUSEPPE SICILIANI MD, DDS, LUCA LOMBARDO DDSDr. Arveda and colleagues demonstrated a technique in which clear aligners are trimmed to allow placement of a partial fixed labial appliance with anchorage from a retromolar miniscrew. A case involving extraction of a single lower incisor illustrates their method. |
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CASE REPORTUpper Canine Extrusion Using Temporary Anchorage Devices and Clear AlignersRICCARDO CAPUOZZO DDS, MARIA ELENA DE FELICE DDS, SARA CARUSO DDS, ROBERTO GATTO MD, DDS, SILVIA CARUSO DDS, PhDThis adult patient presented with an ectopic upper left canine and an impacted upper right canine. After traction of the impacted canine with a cantilever spring and miniscrew anchorage, the case is completed with two stages of clear aligner therapy. |
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Continuing Education from January 2023 Issue (questions only)Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen. |
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PRODUCT NEWS is presented as a service to the reader and in no way implies endorsement by JCO.
The sonnet “Ozymandias” was published in 1818 by the British poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Ozymandias was the Greek name for the Pharaoh Ramses II, otherwise known as Ramses the Great, the most powerful ...
Hybrid aligner mechanics utilize the advantages of clear aligners while accounting for their limitations in producing certain tooth movements. Drs. Kravitz, Miller, Bowman, and Wilmes review applications of clear aligners in combination with fixed appliances, laboratory-fabricated devices, and various auxiliaries.
Patients with severe skeletal discrepancies and reduced lower anterior facial height can be challenging to treat with any method. In these two cases, Dr. Lin and colleagues describe an interdisciplinary hybrid aligner protocol for correction of complex facial, dental, and esthetic issues.
This article describes a two-phase approach for treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency in adult patients, involving an initial stage of maxillary expansion with the Tandem Skeletal Expander followed by an orthodontic stage using clear aligner therapy. A typical case is presented.
The iMolar system consists of a base anchored by two palatal miniscrews and attached to nickel titanium wires with crimpable stops. As Dr. Riatti and colleagues show, it can be activated and modified for molar distalization while clear aligners are performing dental alignment.
Dr. Arveda and colleagues demonstrated a technique in which clear aligners are trimmed to allow placement of a partial fixed labial appliance with anchorage from a retromolar miniscrew. A case involving extraction of a single lower incisor illustrates their method.
This adult patient presented with an ectopic upper left canine and an impacted upper right canine. After traction of the impacted canine with a cantilever spring and miniscrew anchorage, the case is completed with two stages of clear aligner therapy.
Click here to download a PDF of the printed questions from the journal for reference. CE tests must be taken online. See the link to continuing education on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
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