THE EDITOR'S CORNERPretreatment Observation SystemsROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDAssociate Editor Peter Sinclair’s Readers’ Corner has long been one of our most popular features. Having worked with Dr. Sinclair at the University of Southern California for almost 20 years—even long... |
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LETTERSEnd of Braces=End of the Specialty of OrthodonticsRegarding the Editor’s Corner by Dr. Robert Keim in the December 2018 issue of JCO: Change is definitely here. We’re all treating with more aligners today than we were a few years ago. It’s not a bad ... |
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ALIGNER CORNERPhase I Orthodontic Treatment Using Invisalign FirstREGINA BLEVINS DDS, MSIn the latest installment of the Aligner Corner, Dr. Regina Blevins demonstrates the efficacy of Invisalign treatment in the early mixed dentition. Therapeutic needs in these three Phase I cases include ectopic or blocked-out permanent canines and anterior crossbite. |
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Can Intraoral Photography Replace Plaster and Digital Models in Clinical Practice? A Preliminary InvestigationLAURANCE JERROLD DDS, JD, MICHAEL SCHULTE DDS, PhD, JESSIE ISAACS HENRY DDSDrs. Jerrold, Schulte, and Isaacs Henry review the advantages and disadvantages of photographs compared with study models in routine clinical evaluation. Five cases are judged by 13 qualified examiners to determine the reliability of measurements taken from photos. |
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2019 AAO CONVENTION PREVIEWCalifornia DreamingDAVID S. VOGELS IIIJCO presents its annual guide in advance of the AAO annual session, May 3-7 in Los Angeles. Recommendations are offered for tours, museums, film studios, theme parks, music, theater, sports, restaurants, and nightlife. A directory includes addresses and phone numbers. |
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CASE REPORTAsymmetrical First Molar ExtractionsMARCIO JOSÉ DA SILVA CAMPOS DDS, MS, PhD, PAULA LIPARINI CAETANO DDS, PAULA MORAES LUPATINI DDS, JOCIMARA DOMICIANO FARTES DE ALMEIDA CAMPOS DDS, ROBERT WILLER FARINAZZO VITRAL DDS, MS, PhDAsymmetrical extractions can be a viable option in extraction cases with asymmetrical structural impairment of the first permanent molars. In this 22-year-old patient, the left first molars were extracted along with the right first premolars. |
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VIDEO REVIEWSOrthodontic Laboratory Basics—The Complete CourseNEAL D. KRAVITZ DMD, MSJAY TYLER, CDT, FNBC 6 DVDs. 7 hours, 48 minutes. $300. 2017. Ortho Lab Videos, division of Tyler Dental, LLC, P.O. Box 210355, Nashville, TN 37221.(615) 260-3968; Are you inte... |
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PEARLSAvoiding Yellow Discoloration of Clear Elastomeric ModulesRAJESH B. KURIL BDS, MDS, AKHIL P. LOKHANDE BDS, MDSUnsightly yellowing of clear elastomeric ligatures from food products such as mustard or curry is a common concern among patients wearing ceramic brackets. The authors propose using pale lavender ligature ties, which turn a neutral off-white when combined with yellow. |
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THE READERS' CORNERPretreatment Observation SystemsPETER M. SINCLAIR DDS, MSDThis month’s topic involves pretreatment observation and recall systems. JCO readers respond to questions involving categories of recall patients, reappointment procedures, insurance coverage, fees, and internal marketing. Tips are presented for maintaining communication with observation patients and their families. |
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Associate Editor Peter Sinclair’s Readers’ Corner has long been one of our most popular features. Having worked with Dr. Sinclair at the University of Southern California for almost 20 years—even long...
Regarding the Editor’s Corner by Dr. Robert Keim in the December 2018 issue of JCO: Change is definitely here. We’re all treating with more aligners today than we were a few years ago. It’s not a bad ...
In the latest installment of the Aligner Corner, Dr. Regina Blevins demonstrates the efficacy of Invisalign treatment in the early mixed dentition. Therapeutic needs in these three Phase I cases include ectopic or blocked-out permanent canines and anterior crossbite.
Drs. Jerrold, Schulte, and Isaacs Henry review the advantages and disadvantages of photographs compared with study models in routine clinical evaluation. Five cases are judged by 13 qualified examiners to determine the reliability of measurements taken from photos.
JCO presents its annual guide in advance of the AAO annual session, May 3-7 in Los Angeles. Recommendations are offered for tours, museums, film studios, theme parks, music, theater, sports, restaurants, and nightlife. A directory includes addresses and phone numbers.
Asymmetrical extractions can be a viable option in extraction cases with asymmetrical structural impairment of the first permanent molars. In this 22-year-old patient, the left first molars were extracted along with the right first premolars.
JAY TYLER, CDT, FNBC 6 DVDs. 7 hours, 48 minutes. $300. 2017. Ortho Lab Videos, division of Tyler Dental, LLC, P.O. Box 210355, Nashville, TN 37221.(615) 260-3968; Are you inte...
Unsightly yellowing of clear elastomeric ligatures from food products such as mustard or curry is a common concern among patients wearing ceramic brackets. The authors propose using pale lavender ligature ties, which turn a neutral off-white when combined with yellow.
This month’s topic involves pretreatment observation and recall systems. JCO readers respond to questions involving categories of recall patients, reappointment procedures, insurance coverage, fees, and internal marketing. Tips are presented for maintaining communication with observation patients and their families.
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