THE EDITOR'S CORNERThe Puzzle of Facial AsymmetryROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDOf all the causes and manifestations of malocclusion, facial asymmetry is among the most enigmatic. Although it has been estimated that as much as 85% of the general population exhibits some degree of... |
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OVERVIEWA Current Review of AsymmetrySIREESHA VEERANKI BDS, MDS, DMD, JAE HYUN PARK DMD, MSD, MS, PhD, DAWN PRUZANSKY DMD, MASATO TAKAGI DDS, PhD, KIYOSHI TAI DDS, PhDDrs. Veeranki, Park, Pruzansky, Takagi, and Tai present up-to-date information pertinent to the identification and quantification of facial asymmetry. Etiological factors, pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, treatment planning, and surgical options are all illustrated with tables and clinical examples. |
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Does Microvibration Accelerate Leveling and Alignment? A Randomized Controlled TrialPETER MILES BDS, MDSThis prospective, blinded clinical study was designed to assess the impact of AcceleDent Aura therapy on the time required to reach the working wire stage. Dr. Peter Miles concludes that the most important factor may be the decision of when to change archwires. |
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PEARLSMeasuring the Torque on the Terminal End of an ArchwireCHIDSANU CHANGSIRIPUN DDS, PhD, SARANYA SUWANKOMONKUL DDSAn orthodontist sometimes needs to add buccal root torque to the finishing archwire to resolve a hanging palatal molar cusp. This Pearl shows how a standard plastic protractor can be modified to precisely determine the amount of torque on the terminal end of the wire. |
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TECHNIQUE CLINICIn-Office Fabrication of a Simple Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palatal ExpanderPRASHANT DHOLE BDS, MDS, DIVYA MAHESHWARI BDS, MDSThe authors describes a simple way to fabricate a MARPE appliance for transverse expansion of a skeletally constricted maxilla. Two extension wires are connected from the Hyrax screw to four palatal miniscrews for stability, allowing ample tongue space and facilitating oral hygiene. |
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CASE REPORTClass III Camouflage Treatment with the Biofunctional TechniqueFABRICIO PINELLI VALARELLI DDS, MSc, PhD, FRANCISCO EDUARDO CASARO NASCIMENTO DDS, MSc, DÉRIC MESCHIARI BATISTA DDS, MSc, KARINA MARIA SALVATORE FREITAS DDS, MSc, PhD, RODRIGO HERMONT CANÇADO DDS, MSc, PhDAdults with severe skeletal Class III discrepancies often refuse surgical treatment, leaving orthodontic camouflage as the best alternative. Dr. Valarelli and colleagues present a nonextraction case in which Biofunctional appliances were successfully combined with Class III intermaxillary elastics. |
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The Biocreative Strategy Part 2: The Tweemac AnalysisSEONG-HUN KIM DMD, MSD, PhD, HYO-WON AHN DDS, MSD, PhD, KYU-RHIM CHUNG DMD, MSD, PhD, GERALD NELSON DDSIn the second part of their series, Drs. Kim, Ahn, Chung, and Nelson describe the measurements and clinical interpretation of the Biocreative diagnostic system. The Tweemac analysis allows simple yet effective evaluation of the patient’s dentofacial characteristics using a minimum number of landmarks. |
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Of all the causes and manifestations of malocclusion, facial asymmetry is among the most enigmatic. Although it has been estimated that as much as 85% of the general population exhibits some degree of...
Drs. Veeranki, Park, Pruzansky, Takagi, and Tai present up-to-date information pertinent to the identification and quantification of facial asymmetry. Etiological factors, pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, treatment planning, and surgical options are all illustrated with tables and clinical examples.
This prospective, blinded clinical study was designed to assess the impact of AcceleDent Aura therapy on the time required to reach the working wire stage. Dr. Peter Miles concludes that the most important factor may be the decision of when to change archwires.
An orthodontist sometimes needs to add buccal root torque to the finishing archwire to resolve a hanging palatal molar cusp. This Pearl shows how a standard plastic protractor can be modified to precisely determine the amount of torque on the terminal end of the wire.
The authors describes a simple way to fabricate a MARPE appliance for transverse expansion of a skeletally constricted maxilla. Two extension wires are connected from the Hyrax screw to four palatal miniscrews for stability, allowing ample tongue space and facilitating oral hygiene.
Adults with severe skeletal Class III discrepancies often refuse surgical treatment, leaving orthodontic camouflage as the best alternative. Dr. Valarelli and colleagues present a nonextraction case in which Biofunctional appliances were successfully combined with Class III intermaxillary elastics.
In the second part of their series, Drs. Kim, Ahn, Chung, and Nelson describe the measurements and clinical interpretation of the Biocreative diagnostic system. The Tweemac analysis allows simple yet effective evaluation of the patient’s dentofacial characteristics using a minimum number of landmarks.
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