THE EDITOR'S CORNERMaking a Case for Early Orthognathic SurgeryROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDThe overall benefits of orthodontic therapy for adolescent patients are well documented. Establishing a physiologic occlusion prior to full facial development allows symmetrical, harmonious growth of ... |
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Early Orthognathic Surgery in Growing Class III PatientsCARLOS VILLEGAS DDS, GIOVANNI OBERTI DDS, IVAN JIMENEZ DDS, MSC, LORENZO FRANCHI DDS, PhD, TIZIANO BACCETTI DDS, PhDThe use of orthognathic surgery to correct dentofacial problems in growing patients is a controversial topic.1 The main justification for performing orthognathic surgery in adolescents is to improve t... |
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Invisalign Treatment of Dental Class II Malocclusions Without AuxiliariesKEN FISCHER DDSInvisalign* treatment of dental Class II malocclusions in adolescents and young adults is not commonly attempted, even by orthodontists who have significant experience with aligners. Furthermore, the ... |
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THE CUTTING EDGEA Synthetic Three-Dimensional Craniofacial AnalysisGIAMPIETRO FARRONATO MD, DDS, DAVIDE FARRONATO DDS, PhD, LUCIO TOMA DDS, FRANCESCA BELLINCIONI DDS(Editor's Note: This quarterly column is compiled by JCO Technology Editor Ronald Redmond. To help keep our readers on The Cutting Edge, Dr. Redmond will spotlight a particular area of orthodontic tec... |
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CASE REPORTMolar-Stabilizing Power Arm and Miniscrew Anchorage for Anterior RetractionPAVANKUMAR J. VIBHUTE BDS, MDSIn severely protrusive patients, anchorage loss can occur with the use of conventional sliding mechanics for closure of first premolar extraction spaces.1-3 Direct skeletal anchorage from miniscrews i... |
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BOOK REVIEWSMini-Implants in Orthodontics: Innovative Anchorage ConceptsORHAN C. TUNCAY DMDBJORN LUDWIG, DMD, MSD SEBASTIAN BAUMGAERTEL, DMD, MSD S. JAY BOWMAN, DMD, MSD, editors 188 pages, 477 illustrations. $185. 2008. Quintessence Publishing, 4350 Chandler Drive, Hanover Park, IL 60133.... |
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TECHNIQUE CLINICClosed-Coil Spring for Anterior Crossbite CorrectionASHOK KOTHARI MDSWe have found an easy and quick way to correct a single-tooth anterior crossbite without complicated auxiliaries such as Z-springs or multiloop wires. This is the procedure, as illustrated in a patien... |
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A Non-Crimpable Archwire HookKEJIN LIU DDS, LI JI DDS, XIAOLONG ZHONG DDSTraditional crimpable archwire hooks are easily displaced and can even cause distortion of the archwire during their placement. We Have developed a simple modification that avoids these drawbacks. Pla... |
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The overall benefits of orthodontic therapy for adolescent patients are well documented. Establishing a physiologic occlusion prior to full facial development allows symmetrical, harmonious growth of ...
The use of orthognathic surgery to correct dentofacial problems in growing patients is a controversial topic.1 The main justification for performing orthognathic surgery in adolescents is to improve t...
Invisalign* treatment of dental Class II malocclusions in adolescents and young adults is not commonly attempted, even by orthodontists who have significant experience with aligners. Furthermore, the ...
(Editor's Note: This quarterly column is compiled by JCO Technology Editor Ronald Redmond. To help keep our readers on The Cutting Edge, Dr. Redmond will spotlight a particular area of orthodontic tec...
In severely protrusive patients, anchorage loss can occur with the use of conventional sliding mechanics for closure of first premolar extraction spaces.1-3 Direct skeletal anchorage from miniscrews i...
BJORN LUDWIG, DMD, MSD SEBASTIAN BAUMGAERTEL, DMD, MSD S. JAY BOWMAN, DMD, MSD, editors 188 pages, 477 illustrations. $185. 2008. Quintessence Publishing, 4350 Chandler Drive, Hanover Park, IL 60133....
We have found an easy and quick way to correct a single-tooth anterior crossbite without complicated auxiliaries such as Z-springs or multiloop wires. This is the procedure, as illustrated in a patien...
Traditional crimpable archwire hooks are easily displaced and can even cause distortion of the archwire during their placement. We Have developed a simple modification that avoids these drawbacks. Pla...
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