THE EDITOR'S CORNERThe Power of the PyramidROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDThis fall, I had the honor of serving as one of the speakers at the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists' annual session, held in Monterey, California. Under the theme of "Emerging Tools and Technol... |
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CASE REPORTDelayed Eruption of a Maxillary Second Premolar Due to a Late BudROSALIA LEONARDI DDS, MS, CLAUDIA LOMBARDO DDS, ERSILIA BARBATO DDS, MSDelayed eruption of permanent teeth has been attributed to local, systemic, and genetic factors,1-7 but only a few cases of delayed eruption due to late bud development have been reported. Silva Filho... |
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JCO ROUNDTABLE The Future of Orthodontics, Part 2: Management and Other IssuesDAVID S. VOGELS III Moderator, R.G. "WICK" ALEXANDER DDS, MSD, LUIS CARRIERE DDS, MSD, PhD, GAYLE GLENN DDS, MSD, ELLIOTT M. MOSKOWITZ DDS, MS, W. RONALD REDMOND DDS, MS, JONATHAN SANDLER BDS, MSC, FDS RCPS, MOrth RCSContinued from Part I Management MR. VOGELS To what extent is your office "paperless"? What new computer technologies do you think may emerge during the next decade to make practice management even mo... |
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2007 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study, Part 1: TrendsROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhD, EUGENE L. GOTTLIEB DDS, ALLEN H. NELSON PhD, DAVID S. VOGELS IIIThis article describes trends in the economics and administration of U.S. orthodontic practices over the quarter-century since the first biennial JCO Orthodontic Practice Study was conducted in 1981. ... |
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2007 JCO ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE STUDY: ECONOMICS AND PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION (complete tables)ROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhD, EUGENE L. GOTTLIEB DDS, ALLEN H. NELSON PhD, DAVID S. VOGELS IIISubscribers: After logging in, click on the Acrobat PDF icon that will appear above the article title to download a PDF of the complete 2007 Practice Study (268K). |
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Uprighting Mandibular Second Molars with Direct Miniscrew AnchorageKEE-JOON LEE DDS, PhD, YOUNG-CHEL PARK DDS, PhD, WOO-SANG HWANG DDS, MS, EUI-HYANG SEONG DDSPartial or total impaction of the mandibular second molar is relatively rare, occurring in only .3% of the general population and 2-3% of orthodontic patients.1,2 Causes may include arch-length defici... |
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CLINICAL AID A Non-Invasive Method for Ending Thumb- and Fingersucking HabitsJEFFREY T. KOZLOWSKI DDSThumb- and fingersucking habits can have many negative consequences in terms of dental and skeletal growth. My office has discovered a simple, non-invasive method for ending these habits, which we hav... |
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PEARLSA Charitable Way to Charge for Replacement RetainersROBERT PICKRON DDSLike many orthodontists, I normally include an initial retainer in the total treatment fee. If a patient loses or breaks a retainer, a replacement is provided at one-half the usual fee of $250 for a H... |
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This fall, I had the honor of serving as one of the speakers at the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists' annual session, held in Monterey, California. Under the theme of "Emerging Tools and Technol...
Delayed eruption of permanent teeth has been attributed to local, systemic, and genetic factors,1-7 but only a few cases of delayed eruption due to late bud development have been reported. Silva Filho...
Continued from Part I Management MR. VOGELS To what extent is your office "paperless"? What new computer technologies do you think may emerge during the next decade to make practice management even mo...
This article describes trends in the economics and administration of U.S. orthodontic practices over the quarter-century since the first biennial JCO Orthodontic Practice Study was conducted in 1981. ...
Subscribers: After logging in, click on the Acrobat PDF icon that will appear above the article title to download a PDF of the complete 2007 Practice Study (268K).
Partial or total impaction of the mandibular second molar is relatively rare, occurring in only .3% of the general population and 2-3% of orthodontic patients.1,2 Causes may include arch-length defici...
Thumb- and fingersucking habits can have many negative consequences in terms of dental and skeletal growth. My office has discovered a simple, non-invasive method for ending these habits, which we hav...
Like many orthodontists, I normally include an initial retainer in the total treatment fee. If a patient loses or breaks a retainer, a replacement is provided at one-half the usual fee of $250 for a H...
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