THE EDITOR'S CORNERJCO Has a 35th BirthdayEUGENE L. GOTTLIEB DDSThis month marks JCO's 35th anniversary. At the beginning, in 1967, orthodontic practice was described as a cottage industry. Fixed appliances consisted of bands and stainless steel archwires. The spe... |
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Modified Removable Transpalatal Bar for Rapid Uprighting of Impacted Second MolarsMARGHERITA SANTORO DDS, MA, EUN-SOCK KIM DDS, MONICA TEREDESAI DDS, NIKOS KARAGGIANNOPOULOS DDSThe in-office modification of a preformed transpalatal bar shown here offers a mechanically advantageous and efficient solution for uprighting an impacted second molar, especially when bonding a stand... |
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CLINICAL AIDAccurate Band Positioning in ImpressionsW. CLAY LISENBY DDS, S. JAY BOWMAN DMD, MSDMany techniques have been developed to stabilize orthodontic bands in the precise positions required to insure proper indirect construction of an appliance on the working cast. Although sticky wax has... |
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MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGThe Psychology of Influence in OrthodonticsJOE H. MAYES DDS, MSDSeveral well-managed orthodontic offices have recently incorporated the ideas of Dr. Robert Cialdini, whose work deals with eliciting behavioral change through persuasion. In this month's article, Dr... |
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PEARLSRelief of Soft-Tissue Irritation from Orthodontic AppliancesTAE-KYUNG KIM DDS, MSD, SUNG-HUN PARK DDSAlthough wax is customarily given to patients to relieve soft-tissue irritation from orthodontic appliances, many patients find it bothersome to change the wax after meals and brushing.1,2 We have ... |
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Extraction Decision-Making WigglegramWELLINGTON J. RODY JR. DDS, MS, EUSTÁQUIO AFONSO ARAÚJO DDS, MDSThe decision whether to extract teeth is one of the most critical and controversial in orthodontic treatment, depending to a large extent on each clinician's personal experience. The main reasons for... |
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Superelastic Nickel Titanium Spring Clips for the SPEED ApplianceG. HERBERT HANSON DDS, DOThe nickel titanium SPEED SE* bracket (Fig. 1) is much more efficient and user-friendly than its stainless steel predecessor for several reasons. First, the more accessible labial window is easier to ... |
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A New Wraparound Retainer DesignARNO LOCKS DDS, MS, PHD, GRAZIELA HENRIQUES WESTPHALEN DDS, DALTRO ENÉAS RITTER DDS, MS, GERSON ULEMA RIBEIRO DDS, MSD, PHD, LUCIANE MENEZES DDS, MS, PHD, ROBERTO ROCHA DDS, MS, PHD, CARLA DERECH DDS, MS, LUCIARA DALCIN DA ROSA DDSOne disadvantage of the conventional Hawley retainer1 is that the wire traverses the occlusion between the canines and the first premolars, where it can cause interferences that may disturb the form ... |
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This month marks JCO's 35th anniversary. At the beginning, in 1967, orthodontic practice was described as a cottage industry. Fixed appliances consisted of bands and stainless steel archwires. The spe...
The in-office modification of a preformed transpalatal bar shown here offers a mechanically advantageous and efficient solution for uprighting an impacted second molar, especially when bonding a stand...
Many techniques have been developed to stabilize orthodontic bands in the precise positions required to insure proper indirect construction of an appliance on the working cast. Although sticky wax has...
Several well-managed orthodontic offices have recently incorporated the ideas of Dr. Robert Cialdini, whose work deals with eliciting behavioral change through persuasion. In this month's article, Dr...
Although wax is customarily given to patients to relieve soft-tissue irritation from orthodontic appliances, many patients find it bothersome to change the wax after meals and brushing.1,2 We have ...
The decision whether to extract teeth is one of the most critical and controversial in orthodontic treatment, depending to a large extent on each clinician's personal experience. The main reasons for...
The nickel titanium SPEED SE* bracket (Fig. 1) is much more efficient and user-friendly than its stainless steel predecessor for several reasons. First, the more accessible labial window is easier to ...
One disadvantage of the conventional Hawley retainer1 is that the wire traverses the occlusion between the canines and the first premolars, where it can cause interferences that may disturb the form ...
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