THE EDITOR'S CORNERAccentuate the PositiveLARRY W. WHITE DDS, MSDJohnny Mercer could not have known when he wrote the song, "Accentuate the Positive", that he was forecasting a 21st-century management theory, but four lines of that lyric capture exactly the idea pr... |
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Integrating Esthetic Dentistry and Space Closure in Patients with Missing Maxillary Lateral IncisorsMARCO ROSA MD, DDS, DO, BJORN U. ZACHRISSON DDS, MSD, PHDTreatment plans for patients with missing maxillary lateral incisors have traditionally included either space closure or space reopening.1-9 The most common objections to orthodontic space closure ... |
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Differentiated Orthodontic Mechanics for Dental Midline CorrectionGIORGIO FIORELLI MD, DDS, BIRTE MELSEN DDS, DO, CARLA MODICA MD, DDSCorrection of midline discrepancies in orthodontic treatment is critical to the establishment of both satisfactory esthetics and a functional transverse and sagittal occlusion.1-5 One study found t... |
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SureSmile Technology in a Patient-Centered Orthodontic PracticeROHIT C.L. SACHDEVA BDS, MDSA patient-centered practice is one that delivers high-quality care with a minimal amount of patient discomfort, compliance demands, and chairtime, and completes treatment on time in as short a period ... |
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Effects of the Pendulum Appliance on the Dentofacial ComplexJOSÉ CHAQUÉS-ASENSI MD, DDS, MSD, PHD, VARUN KALRA BDS, MDS, DOrth RCS, DDS, MSWith the recent trend toward nonextraction treatment, many appliances have been advocated for maxillary molar distalization.1-20 Although the Pendulum appliance as described by Hilgers10 is one of the... |
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Bicuspid TubesTAKAO NODA DDS, PHD, MASAYO NODA DDSElastomeric ligatures have been found to produce 60g of static frictional force, while stainless steel ligatures produce nearly 200g.1 Such friction may reduce the net force available for cuspid dist... |
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Disposable Archwire RulersLIA RIBEIRO DDS, MSDMost orthodontists learn to fabricate archwires by marking a shaped wire in the mouth with a wax pencil. This technique has several disadvantages: Patient irritation from the wire ends. Inaccurate m... |
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THE READERS' CORNERInvisalignJOHN J. SHERIDAN DDS, MSDHave you treated any patients with the Invisalign System? More than a third of the respondents reported that they had treated patients with the Invisalign System, and many others indicated that they ... |
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Johnny Mercer could not have known when he wrote the song, "Accentuate the Positive", that he was forecasting a 21st-century management theory, but four lines of that lyric capture exactly the idea pr...
Treatment plans for patients with missing maxillary lateral incisors have traditionally included either space closure or space reopening.1-9 The most common objections to orthodontic space closure ...
Correction of midline discrepancies in orthodontic treatment is critical to the establishment of both satisfactory esthetics and a functional transverse and sagittal occlusion.1-5 One study found t...
A patient-centered practice is one that delivers high-quality care with a minimal amount of patient discomfort, compliance demands, and chairtime, and completes treatment on time in as short a period ...
With the recent trend toward nonextraction treatment, many appliances have been advocated for maxillary molar distalization.1-20 Although the Pendulum appliance as described by Hilgers10 is one of the...
Elastomeric ligatures have been found to produce 60g of static frictional force, while stainless steel ligatures produce nearly 200g.1 Such friction may reduce the net force available for cuspid dist...
Most orthodontists learn to fabricate archwires by marking a shaped wire in the mouth with a wax pencil. This technique has several disadvantages: Patient irritation from the wire ends. Inaccurate m...
Have you treated any patients with the Invisalign System? More than a third of the respondents reported that they had treated patients with the Invisalign System, and many others indicated that they ...
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