THE EDITOR'S CORNERHow I Spent My Summer VacationROBERT G. KEIM DDS, EdD, PhDFrom June 20-24, I had the great pleasure of attending my first Congress of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS). It was a distinct honor for me to have been invited, on behalf of JCO, as one of the... |
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A Groove-Guided Indirect Transfer System for Lingual BracketsMARCOS GABRIEL DO LAGO PRIETO BDS, MS, ERIKA NANA ISHIKAWA BDS, LUCAS TRISTÃO PRIETO BDSPrecise bracket placement is even more important in lingual orthodontics than with labial appliances.1-5 New bracket systems and more flexible wires have eliminated many positioning problems; examples... |
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CASE REPORTOrthodontic Management of a Transposed Maxillary Canine and Lateral IncisorMARIANA DE AGUIAR BULHÕES GALVÃO DDS, MS, ALINE CAMPOS CABRAL DDS, CLARICE NISHIO DDS, MS, JONAS CAPELLI JÚNIOR DDS, MSCanines are most frequently transposed with first premolars, and less often with lateral incisors.1-9 Such transposition, which usually occurs in the maxillary arch,2,4,7 is most commonly unilateral,5... |
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PEARLSRetention ChecklistSAHIRA IBRAHIM KORTAM BDS, MSD, AMR RAGAB EL-BEIALY BDS, YEHYA A. MOSTAFA BDS, MS, PhDAfter debonding, the long-term stability of orthodontic results must be monitored during routine retention checks. Most clinicians, however, do not use a standardized, systematic approach to these imp... |
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BOOK REVIEWSTratamiento Ortodóntico en el AdultoJORGE FASTLICHT DDS, MS(Orthodontic Treatment in Adults) 2nd edition. 362 pages, 1,300 illustrations. $120. 2006. Julia F. de Harfin, DDS, PHDEditorial Medica Panamericana S.A.Marcelo T. de Alvear 21451122 Buenos AiresArgen... |
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The Transverse Sagittal Maxillary ExpanderGIAMPIETRO FARRONATO MD, DDS, MSD, GIANCARLO CORDASCO MD, DDS, DAVIDE FARRONATO DDS, LUCA ESPOSITO MD, DDS, MSD, ENRICO BRIGUGLIO DDSThe treatment plan for a patient with maxillary hypoplasia depends on the clinical manifestation of the malocclusion in the sagittal, transverse, and vertical planes.1 Studies have confirmed that ante... |
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TECHNIQUE CLINICUse of Occlusal Ramps as Mechanical Stops after Molar DistalizationFILIPPO TOMASSINI DDS, MARIO GRECO DDSAfter maxillary molar distalization with a fixed appliance, posterior anchorage must be maintained during distal movement of the premolars and anterior teeth. This can be achieved with the use of comp... |
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Correction of Anterior Crossbite Using Occlusal Build-UpsVASILEIOS TZATZAKIS DDS, IOANNA GIDARAKOU DDSMany methods have been used to correct anterior crossbites,1-6 including palatal expanders and removable, fixed, and orthopedic appliances.7-14 When an anterior crossbite needs to be corrected in the ... |
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From June 20-24, I had the great pleasure of attending my first Congress of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS). It was a distinct honor for me to have been invited, on behalf of JCO, as one of the...
Precise bracket placement is even more important in lingual orthodontics than with labial appliances.1-5 New bracket systems and more flexible wires have eliminated many positioning problems; examples...
Canines are most frequently transposed with first premolars, and less often with lateral incisors.1-9 Such transposition, which usually occurs in the maxillary arch,2,4,7 is most commonly unilateral,5...
After debonding, the long-term stability of orthodontic results must be monitored during routine retention checks. Most clinicians, however, do not use a standardized, systematic approach to these imp...
(Orthodontic Treatment in Adults) 2nd edition. 362 pages, 1,300 illustrations. $120. 2006. Julia F. de Harfin, DDS, PHDEditorial Medica Panamericana S.A.Marcelo T. de Alvear 21451122 Buenos AiresArgen...
The treatment plan for a patient with maxillary hypoplasia depends on the clinical manifestation of the malocclusion in the sagittal, transverse, and vertical planes.1 Studies have confirmed that ante...
After maxillary molar distalization with a fixed appliance, posterior anchorage must be maintained during distal movement of the premolars and anterior teeth. This can be achieved with the use of comp...
Many methods have been used to correct anterior crossbites,1-6 including palatal expanders and removable, fixed, and orthopedic appliances.7-14 When an anterior crossbite needs to be corrected in the ...
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