2nd French edition, translated by Dr. Jay Weiss.
104 pages. 50 euros. 2004.
Editions S.I.D., 9, rue Christine, 75006 Paris, France
fax: 011-33-43-29-32-62; www.editionsid.com
A simplified and updated successor to the author's 1993 text, this second edition focuses on strategies for using thermoformed orthodontic splints.
The relatively technical first section, covering the chemical and physical properties of thermoformed polymers, explores the molecular construction and physical characteristics of plastics--especially the high-density polyethylenes and polyvinyl ethyl acetates used to make flexible splints. The utility of these materials as thermoplastics depends on their structure, thermal properties, and densities, which are well described here. Also discussed are the biocompatibility of these polymers and suggested techniques for thermoforming, bonding, and cementing. One surprising recommendation is to make casts for plastic appliance construction by pouring plaster into alginate impressions; today, most clinicians prefer high-quality die stone and polyvinyl siloxane impression material.
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The book's strongest section is the second, "The Use of Orthodontic and Orthopedic Vacuum Formed Splints". Appliances for both orthopedic and orthodontic use are thoroughly described, including splints incorporating maxillary expansion screws, splints to which extraoral traction can be applied, splints equipped with hooks for elastic placement, splints that can accommodate Herbst appliances, and bimaxillary splints such as monoblocs.
The bibliography is adequate, but the book would have been improved if the intraoral photographs had been in color. Overall, this text would be a useful adjunct for clinicians and researchers who use plastic appliance technology, or who are contemplating its incorporation into their practices.