THE EDITOR'S CORNERHow Many Home Runs Have You Hit Lately?EUGENE L. GOTTLIEB DDS1998 will go down in baseball history as the year in which Mark McGwire demolished the 37-year-old record for most home runs hit in one season. To an extent, the home run is a metaphor for successful ... |
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Use of Disclosing Material to Detect Fixed Retainer Bond FailuresATALIA WASSERSTEIN DMD, NAPHTALI BREZNIAK MD, DMD, MSDFixed retainers are generally bonded to all the teeth to be retained, although some clinicians bond only to the terminal teeth.1,2 When a bond to a terminal tooth fails, the patient tends to notice be... |
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TECHNIQUE CLINICEasy Solutions for Two Common Problems with Essix RetainersNICK ROMANIDES DMD, DEBORAH BARCKHAUSEN DMD, MSClear overlay Essix* retainers are gaining popularity as an effective method of maintaining stability after orthodontic treatment. This article describes two common clinical problems and their solutio... |
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THE READERS' CORNERFees and Bracket RecyclingJOHN J. SHERIDAN DDS, MSDHow do you decide on a fee for a case? More than 96% of the respondents based their fees on two criteria: length and complexity of treatment. Additional consideration was then given to any auxiliaries... |
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An Easy Method of Checking Archform and Canine WidthURAIWAN VISESSAKSANTI DDS, MSDThe following is a simple way to compare a patient's current archform, canine width, and malocclusion to the original condition without opening the model box. The only materials needed are a black mar... |
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Class II Combination TherapyS. JAY BOWMAN DMD, MSDThis paper will introduce a method of treatment for Class II malocclusions that requires but a single phase of mechanics and reduces reliance upon patient compliance for consistent and predictable cas... |
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CASE REPORTOrthodontic Uprighting of Horizontally Impacted Mandibular Second MolarsJAMES E. ECKHART DDSThe following case was treated in two phases. During Phase I, iatrogenic impactions of the mandibular second molars occurred. Later, Phase II therapy corrected that problem. Phase I Treatment A 9-1/2-... |
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Modified Quad Helix for Class III TreatmentSPENCER J. NUTE BDS (Hons.), MSC, FDS RCS, DAVID D. DIBIASE BDS (Hons.), DOrth RCS, FDS RCSSkeletal Class III discrepancies can be treated in growing patients with facial masks to protract the maxilla1 or chin cups to restrain mandibular growth.2 Orthopedic appliances such as the Fränkel FR... |
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1998 will go down in baseball history as the year in which Mark McGwire demolished the 37-year-old record for most home runs hit in one season. To an extent, the home run is a metaphor for successful ...
Fixed retainers are generally bonded to all the teeth to be retained, although some clinicians bond only to the terminal teeth.1,2 When a bond to a terminal tooth fails, the patient tends to notice be...
Clear overlay Essix* retainers are gaining popularity as an effective method of maintaining stability after orthodontic treatment. This article describes two common clinical problems and their solutio...
How do you decide on a fee for a case? More than 96% of the respondents based their fees on two criteria: length and complexity of treatment. Additional consideration was then given to any auxiliaries...
The following is a simple way to compare a patient's current archform, canine width, and malocclusion to the original condition without opening the model box. The only materials needed are a black mar...
This paper will introduce a method of treatment for Class II malocclusions that requires but a single phase of mechanics and reduces reliance upon patient compliance for consistent and predictable cas...
The following case was treated in two phases. During Phase I, iatrogenic impactions of the mandibular second molars occurred. Later, Phase II therapy corrected that problem. Phase I Treatment A 9-1/2-...
Skeletal Class III discrepancies can be treated in growing patients with facial masks to protract the maxilla1 or chin cups to restrain mandibular growth.2 Orthopedic appliances such as the Fränkel FR...
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