THE EDITOR'S CORNERWhy Won't They?LARRY W. WHITE, DDS, MSDWhy Won't They?A traditional and still popular theory of employee motivation holds that managers must find a secret button for each employee that, when pushed, brings forth unusual performance. This t... |
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The Claspring: An Adjunct to Removable Appliance TherapyANGELOS METAXAS, DDS, DO, MSC, DIMITRIOS METAXAS, RDTRemovable orthodontic appliances are often used in the first stage of mixed dentition treatment, in retention, or in conjunction with fixed appliances.1-3 Their use in moving teeth, however, is limite... |
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TECHNIQUE CLINICSecuring Bands to an Alginate ImpressionSTUART D. LA KIND, DDS82-jco-img-f1.jpgWhen sending models to the laboratory for fabrication of appliances such as palatal expanders, I was often unhappy with the fit of the finished products. My technique, as with many or... |
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Shear Bond Strengths and Effects on Enamel of Two Ceramic BracketsSCOTT FRANKLIN, DDS, FRANKLIN GARCIA-GODOY, DDS, MSBecause ceramic brackets will not bond chemically with adhesives, manufacturers must use mechanical undercuts, a coating of silica and a silane coupling agent, or both to bond these brackets to enamel... |
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Modified Mandibular Schwarz ApplianceWARREN HAMULA, DDS, MSDThe Schwarz appliance, as originally developed in Europe, was used with a variety of finger springs and labial wires as the sole tooth-moving appliance in orthodontic treatment.1 Today, American ortho... |
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Gnathological Orientation Splint for Presurgical OrthodonticsCLEMENS MANHARTSBERGER, MD, DDSToday's biomechanics make it possible to move teeth directly into their final positions in most cases.1,2 In surgical-orthodontic treatment, however, the teeth have to be moved before surgery into an ... |
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MANAGEMENT & MARKETINGThe Dilemma of Practice TransitionRONALD B. COOPER, DDS, JON EMMETT SHULER, CFP, MELVIN MAYERSON, DDS, MSDThe following article, by Dr. Ron Cooper and his financial advisor, Jon Shuler, effectively highlights what all of us have been told over and over again from the beginning of our practice lives: If yo... |
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Fluoride Release from Orthodontic Elastic ChainV.P. JOSEPH, BDS, MSC, R. GROBLER, BSC, BSC(Hons), MSC, DSC, PHD, P.E. ROSSOUW , BSC, BCHD, BCHD(Hons), MCHDOrthodontic patients have been shown to run an increased risk of developing plaque-induced dental and periodontal disease, with plaque retention adjacent to fixed appliances being a major etiological ... |
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Why Won't They?A traditional and still popular theory of employee motivation holds that managers must find a secret button for each employee that, when pushed, brings forth unusual performance. This t...
Removable orthodontic appliances are often used in the first stage of mixed dentition treatment, in retention, or in conjunction with fixed appliances.1-3 Their use in moving teeth, however, is limite...
82-jco-img-f1.jpgWhen sending models to the laboratory for fabrication of appliances such as palatal expanders, I was often unhappy with the fit of the finished products. My technique, as with many or...
Because ceramic brackets will not bond chemically with adhesives, manufacturers must use mechanical undercuts, a coating of silica and a silane coupling agent, or both to bond these brackets to enamel...
The Schwarz appliance, as originally developed in Europe, was used with a variety of finger springs and labial wires as the sole tooth-moving appliance in orthodontic treatment.1 Today, American ortho...
Today's biomechanics make it possible to move teeth directly into their final positions in most cases.1,2 In surgical-orthodontic treatment, however, the teeth have to be moved before surgery into an ...
The following article, by Dr. Ron Cooper and his financial advisor, Jon Shuler, effectively highlights what all of us have been told over and over again from the beginning of our practice lives: If yo...
Orthodontic patients have been shown to run an increased risk of developing plaque-induced dental and periodontal disease, with plaque retention adjacent to fixed appliances being a major etiological ...
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