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This is the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.

For the past two and a half years we have been publishing as the Journal of Practical Orthodontics. During that time we have developed a format within which we have provided clear and concise reporting of practical, clinical material on the treatment of the orthodontic patient and the management of the orthodontic practice. In addition to feature articles, we have presented series of articles on treatment systems or related material. We have established such features as Technique Clinic, Clinical Aids, Case Reports, Table Clinic, Round Table, Q & A, Interviews, Orthodontics Around the World, Briefs, inciDENTALLY, Product News, and others.

The change in name and the change in our front cover are the only changes that we are making. JCO will be a continuation of JPO.

To inaugurate JCO we are introducing a new feature. We call it the JCO Cooperative Practice Problem Study. The idea of the cooperative study is to elicit a quantity of information about specific practice problems through group effort. To make it easy for orthodontists to take part, JCO will select a problem, formulate a short-answer questionnaire, print it in JCO as a separate insert. All that the individual orthodontist has to do is to fill in the questionnaire to the best of his knowledge, detach it and return it to JCO. We will collate the results and publish a report on the study in a subsequent issue. If the first study is a success, we will undertake others in the future. If each reader were to report by sending in one questionnaire, we would accumulate more information on many subjects than has ever been gathered before.

The point of this project is not to turn out a piece of controlled research, but to gather material of a qualitative nature from the practice experiences of the individual orthodontists. JCO will act as catalyst and catalog. By receiving and recording the questionnaires of individuals, we shall be able to report the experiences of the group.

One can think of a vast range of problems which may be investigated in this way. We are beginning with the Impacted Maxillary Cuspid Study. Each reader is invited to complete and submit a questionnaire reporting on as little as one case. The form of the questionnaire--printed on both sides--suggests reporting two cases. If anyone wishes to report on more cases, they are certainly welcome and can be submitted either by photocopying our printed questionnaire or by writing to JCO and requesting additional forms.

From the information obtained in this study, we may discover better guides to case selection and we may learn which are the superior surgical and orthodontic techniques. We may find out something about the timing of surgical and orthodontic intervention. We may learn what is a reasonable amount of time to wait for such a tooth to erupt before interfering and how long it should take for eruption following various surgical and orthodontic procedures. We could gather more data about the factor of inheritance than has been known so far.

I hope that you will all be intrigued enough to see this project work, that you will take time out from your busy day and fill in the questionnaire on page 37 to the best of your ability. It is one small step for each orthodontist. It may be a giant step for the orthodontic profession.



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