This issue marks the end of the first year of publication of JPO. We will return after the Summer and, in September, we will begin to publish monthly, 12 issues a year instead of 10.
What have we planned for next year? Well for one thing we are going to begin a series of series on the major techniques. With our first issue, many people thought that we were going to be predominantly a Begg journal. This was due to the fact that many of our Contributing Editors are outstanding Begg men and we led off with an interview with Dr. Begg. As the issues rolled off the press, we came to be accused of being an Edgewise journal. This was due to the fact that Dr. Tweed, Dr. Buchin and Dr. Spengeman were heavy contributors to the first year of issues.
The truth is, of course, that we are neither a Begg journal nor an Edgewise journal. We are trying to be just what we set out to be--a journal of practical orthodontics. We are a meeting place for all ideas, techniques and procedures involved with the treatment of the orthodontic case and the management of the orthodontic practice. So, in response to many requests, we are going to have definitive series on various techniques, beginning with the Begg Technique. We will follow it with similar series on other techniques. We plan more office visits, more interviews, more interdisciplinary material, more techniques, more practice administration, case reports, buyers' guides, Q&A, product news, photography, orthodontics around the world.
It looks like a great year ahead. We are looking forward to it. How about you? If you have not already signed up for another year of JPO, take advantage of the Special Offer at the front of this journal and mail your subscription card today.